Le foto di Sara Milinski

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Informazioni generali

  • 0 referenze
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English
  • 35, Donna
  • Membro dal 2015
  • BA in Political Science – International Affairs
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 65%

Chi sono

Middle child, have two sisters, living in Belgrade.
I'm person who loves to travel and to meet new people from all around the world.

I'm currently living in the USA till mid october and I'm gonna be happy to be host from november to anyone who wants to get to know Belgrade and more.


Winston Churchill: "To improve is to change. To perfect is to change often."

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I enjoy meeting new people and sharing their travel and life experiences. I always thought that travels are the best way to open your mind and change the way you think.


I am all into movies!! Love to read books and to have fun in general. Sometimes I see myself as person who takes her life and responsibilities very seriosly so I need to make myself to chill a little bit and meeting new people is one way to do it. Other way is just to hang out with my family and friends. Maybe swimming, biking and hiking too :)

  • books
  • folklore
  • dancing
  • drinking
  • movies
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • swimming

Musica, film e libri

I listen everything(ok not eeeeverything :) ) but if there is a good company and good beer I can preety much enjoy in all generes and hang out in the good restaurant, club or park. Fun is everywhere you want it! :) Movies ..mmm if U are into movies we can talk all day and night! :)

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

To me is just getting out of my house and travel! Make myself happy :)
I am kind of dancer..I was part of my dance folklore group back in my home town for 10 years and continued while I was in college in Belgrade. Those were the best years of my life because I was able to travel a lot with them and to meet wonderfull people and make great friendships!
Five years ago I was visiting my cousin in Seattle and she made us to go on the road trip through USA and that was the most wonderfull and the scariest experience in my life! I can say that trip changed the way I think! 😊

Insegna, impara, condividi

I can teach you few Serbian national dances which is nesesity if you ever wish to come in Serbia and experience how true Serbian people have fun after couple of drinks 😊

Paesi che ho visitato

Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Netherlands, Switzerland, United States

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

United States

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