Фотографии пользователя Sigita Nedzvecka

Верификация не пройдена

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  • Личность не подтверждена

Не принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: больше 3 лет назад

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  • 2 отзыва 1 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, Latvian; изучает Russian
  • 33, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2011
  • Род занятий не указан
  • Образование не указано
  • Из Riga
  • Профиль заполнен на 85%

Обо мне


I am a passionate traveler. Once you tryed it, you can't stop. Travel brings power in to my life. Every time when you go somewhere it gives you a new way of looking at things and that's a priceless gift what you earn by travelling. I like how G.K. Chesterton sayed "The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see".

My eager to try new things, explore other cultures is unbearable so until I have that, I will keep challanging myself. I have tryed to stay in one place, but I quess that's not for me. I need adventures. At least time to time.

I believe that all journeys have secret destinations of which you are unaware and that is what make's all journey's so exciting. Neverending voyage..


If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. /Dolly Parton/


Travelling, Sailing, Rock climbing, Tourism, Rowing

  • traveling
  • sailing
  • rock climbing
  • tourism

Где я побывал(-а)

Belgium, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States

Где я жил(-а)

Greece, Latvia, Netherlands

Значки старожила

  • 1 Поручиться

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