Fotos de Sifat 方詩婷

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  • 18 recomendaciones 7 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien Chinese, English, Indonesian; está aprendiendo Arabic, Chinese (Simplified)
  • 34, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2022
  • Student
  • On The Way PhD
  • De Indonesia
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Hi, my name is Sifat. Currently, I am a PhD student in Taipei, Taiwan. Bandung, Indonesia, is my hometown. I will always change my location on Couchsurfing. Sometimes in Taiwan, sometimes in Indonesia.

I'm native to Indonesian and Sundanese and I speak Chinese more fluently than English 😂😂. Apart from that, I speak Arabic and Malay too, but intermediate.

I have yet to visit many countries, but I hope I can one day travel around the world like the travelers I have met ☺️

I'm tidy, clean, ambitious, and always curious about new knowledge. That's why people call me a nerd😆 but I'm very easygoing, open-minded, and cheerful, and I like listening to other people's stories and laughing together😁

Oh yeah, I don't eat pork, sometimes eat beef, and don't drink alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, or other sweet drinks. I prefer vegetables, seafood, fruit, mineral water, and milk—quite a picky eater.

I like things about nature, such as beaches, mountains, forests, and parks, rather than malls and cafes.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I like meeting new people from various countries because I learn about their cultures, mindsets, unique views, and exciting stories. Of course, I want to make new friends and plan a trip together someday😃


  • beach
  • humor
  • communication
  • mountain
  • languange
  • mentalhealth

Música, películas y libros

I like Indonesian pop music, all the songs in The Greatest Showman, songs in the films Disyneland and Maroon 5

I like reading books about communication business, communication psychology, communication strategies, public speaking, books related to mental health, horror, and mystery novels.

I like watching cartoons like Doraemon, Spongebob, Detective Conan, and Sailor Moon.
Apart from that, I also like all the Marvel films; all the action, thriller, mystery, and horror genres get my adrenaline pumping

Algo increíble que he hecho

I felt happy when I was finally able to create a foundation to help people with mental issues.
From 2018 until now, more than 2000 people have been helped by my foundation, and almost 40% of them have recovered.

Sometimes, it's not about wealth and a job that makes us happy, but seeing other people helped by something we make is valuable because there may be many people out there who are not as lucky as us🙂

Please visit my foundation's website at
and also social media Instagram/Facebook/Spotify/TikTok/YouTube: Love Yourself Indonesia

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I like teaching people how to make Sundanese food because I like cooking🧑‍🍳

Apart from that, I enjoy sharing life experiences with travelers; it makes me more tolerant of different points of view, more respectful, and more open-minded.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I always carry an angklung key chain every time I travel and give it to travelers who stay at my place or when I stay in my host place😉

Angklung is a traditional musical instrument that only exists in my hometown, Bandung, Indonesia.

Apart from that, I always talk about silly things I experienced while traveling, mental health topics, and life.

Países que he visitado

Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido


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