Fotos de Snow Popi

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Visão geral

  • 6 referências 5 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English
  • 36, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2013
  • Student, Science Tutor & Teacher, Enviormental Safte...
  • Some college (not enough yet)
  • De Atlanta, GA, USA
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

CURRENT MISSION: Seeing a bit more of America though a few cheap flights & impromptu road-trips!
I love to find new experiences, and you can also find me on WarmShowers.ORG as a cyclist taking longer and longer trips. If you pass me cycling please feel free to flag me down for a chat! Please call 417-299-2945 if you'd like a quick answer about hosting.

I practice the deadliest of extreme sports: breathing. I'll kill me one of these days but, I just can't seem to make myself stop. Also, I think I have a sense of humor. After a year of unpaid stand-up comedy, you'd think I would be cured of that notion.

Though, don't let my wild side mislead, I am a fun-loving responsible person who has put off finishing my thesis, and is working on it now Dec/2018 & Jan/2019, with the lofty goal of completing in a few short months. So a destressing weekend trip might be in order. I wholeheartedly believe in working towards one's goals and practice doing just that.

Enjoy every moment because you can't make up for missed moments.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Looking for the most cost-effective wonderful way to see the world. I have found couch-surfing, hostels and the cycling community has the best view of their home-towns. I love the comaponay as much as the hosts, and guests!

That and funding for travel is a bit short. Since I'm taking one three bug things: 1. I am starting my own green company. The Bike Taxi, a pedicab bicycle company where I give cycling tours of my hometown. 2. Rebuilding a burnt-down house, mostly by myself. Though I let my couchsurfers know if they stay past a week, that are invited to help paint, tile, ect... 3. Costly College Degree.


Training service dogs, rebuilding my house, starting up a new pedicab tour company!

Also, You'll find 7 or so bicycles in my house that give away my growing cycling obsession, along with a bunch of camping, hiking gear. Sometimes you just get bit by the travel bug.

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

anything that makes me think, or happy ending. I'm a sucker for a happy-ending :) .

Love any book by Terry Pratchett, obsessed over the three musketeers as a kids, wanted to be Tom Sayers, or any charter in a magical world. Though, recently I'm getting into autobiographies

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Cycled across my state for 10 days. Getting to see all the sights, meeting the people that I'd miss by car, was amazing. 400+ miles along old route 66, crossing the same now closed bridge that people have been crossing for over the last 90 years. Soon, I hope to change this to a longer trip!

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I enjoy sharing stories, and experiences from my hippie, home-schooled background. Even more than that though, I love sharing my cooking with others; give me a half hour in your kitchen (or my own) and you'll be amazed!

I enjoy talking about just about anything under the sun, massage techniques, chemistry, latest medical break through, ect..

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

I'm a spunky (often held captive in a research lab) lab-rat who loves escaping my laboratory to get a chance to be socialized :).

I grew up in a hippie commune and have a tons of 'one-of-a-kind' :) stories from my childhood and not only preach an open mind and tolerance but practice it as well and I dearly love learn about anything and everything under the sun. I can easily converse about a large array of subjects: recipes, to how to build a robot, to small controlled chemical explosion I've overseen, and my pyrotechnics business (very unsuccessful), to the latest Mentalist/or/Agents of SHIELD episode.

Países que Visitei

United States

Países em que Morei

United States

Insígnias de Veteranos

  • 1 Atestar

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