Soham Adla's Photo

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  • 3 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi; learning Estonian, German
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • PhD student
  • Agricultural water management (Socio-hydrology)
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

Some people who know me describe me as a person who can match wavelengths with many different kinds of people, from toddlers (yes they have wavelengths) to heavy metal band members. I think Im simply curious to know and understand about different ways of living and being. I love to listen to stories (simple or deep), and can tell a tale or two myself, based on my experiences of some refreshing places I've visited and many beautiful people I've met. I have a lot of interest in music, and work is also a big part of my life.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I think now that Im getting to know more about it, I don't understand why I wasn't on it earlier! Most travellers I know (including me) wish to know a place up-close, and create personal memories they would cherish. And while we're trying to do that by exploring and making new connections, we ironically pay the most for accommodation where we anyway end up spending such little time! CS addresses all these simultaneously!


  • music
  • live music
  • agriculture
  • volunteering
  • nature
  • meeting new people
  • water
  • organic farming

Music, Movies, and Books

I can listen to a lot of music, especially if introduced to it by people who know me. I have some Hindustani (Indian) classical roots, so that's where I started, but have experienced phases of blues, folk, jazz, acoustic, prog rock. I used to read more earlier, but am trying to understand more about history these days through non-fiction. I also enjoy reading out books/plays a lot. I am not too much into movies, but have a soft corner for childlike stories depicted tastefully, like Forrest Gump.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I performed at a friend's wedding recently facing the Arabian Sea. The sea breeze, us facing the setting sun while on stage, and an audience in both wedding and swimming clothes (from the beach ;), was quite new for me. It's a memory etched for sometime.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can sing, and play a few instruments (some guitar, some keyboard, pretty decent hand percussions - I learnt the tabla when I was a child), and I love to jam! Cooking together and sharing meals is very enjoyable to me - I can be a pretty handy sous chef. Tea! I can make pretty good Indian tea (black, with milk and sugar): exceptions made only for really good reasons :P

What I Can Share with Hosts

My mostly unassuming and curiosity based listening skills, food and drinks, stories, music, experiences.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, France, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In

Estonia, Germany, India

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