Фотографии пользователя Sonya Mose

Верификация не пройдена

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Хочет встретиться

  • Последний раз на сайте: 7 месяцев назад

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  • 2 отзыва
  • Знает English, German; изучает French, Hindi, Spanish
  • 35, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2014
  • PhD student
  • chemistry
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 95%

Обо мне


I just moved back to Germany after 9 months of soul searching in India and am thrilled to start my next big adventure now!


Do good and good will come to you. Kindness is the key to everything.

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." I believe that in order to make the most out of this life one should never stop trying to grow and learn - try new things, push yourself to your limits and see where it takes you. Surely to a better place ;)

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing


I'm currently unable to host but if time permits I'm happy to meet up and hang out :) I would love to make friends all over the world and hear your stories :)


Dancing! I'm crazy about salsa and am very keen on learning different dances. Also anything creative and artsy catches my attention. And of course I always enjoy good food, a good coffee and good company - meeting friends, meeting new people, sharing thoughts and stories and creating new stories to tell :)

  • arts
  • photography
  • dancing
  • dining
  • coffee
  • learning new things
  • meet new people

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

I moved to France without speaking the language to do a 2-year university course over there. Very enriching experience .. Made me realize I can do anything I set my mind to :)

Где я побывал(-а)

Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Wales

Где я жил(-а)

France, Germany, India

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