Christina  Edlinger的照片


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  • 22 评语 14 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Swedish; 正在学习 French
  • 38, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2009
  • student
  • BA (hons) photography
  • 来自Falun, Sweden
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



learn to surf


I enjoy myself the most when some kind of adventure is involved, therefore travelling is an important part of my life and meeting new people, new music, new cultures, new food and all it involves! I'm originally from Sweden, but my travels took me to Ireland and Dublin and finally Belfast. I've spent four great years on this green island now and will stay here for at least one more year to finish my photography degree. (I must say the restlesness is approaching) But still, I enjoy myself here in Belfast, where I've met alot of amazing people and I think that the cultural energy exisiting in this city is great!... and of course I enjoy being so close to the beautiful nature of Northern Ireland, I have just taken up surfing and having the swell of the north Atlantic so close is amazing!


I read this quote going something like this recently; Everyone is experience a struggle, so be nice! And thought it made a lot of sense.

Also, I believe in the Eastern philosophy meaning that your friends the people around you makes what you are.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I have hosted twice and surfed twice, also from my photographs I'm hoping to spread the message. And I want CS to be a part of my life.


I have hosted a couple of times and I've travelled thorugh Europe on a cocuhsurfing-photography-trip. I had a great time, met many inspiring and generous people and I'm keen to keep the couchsurfing up. I have no possiblity to host at the moment in the hosue I'm living in, but I'm hoping to take it up soon!


Music is important to me, the taste is diverse, but alot of techno and electonic music at the moment. Also, one of my biggest passions is photography, which I am also studying!

Other interests... cycling, yoga, food, films, art, books and I like maps =)

  • arts
  • books
  • photography
  • dining
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • cycling
  • surfing
  • cartography


Books: The unbearable lightness of being, Catcher in the rye, Shantaram

Music: - Magda, Paul Kalkbrenner, Ricardo Villalobos, Adam Beyer, Joel Mull, Ben Klock, Mattew Dear. Fever Ray, The Knife, Beach house, Sigur Ros, Interpol, Eagles of Death Metal, Lykke Li, Björk, Radiohead...etc.

Films: I love the Cohen brothers subtle (somethimes dark) sense of humor and I also like the dramas of Darren Aronofsky. Films I specifically like is Big Lebowsky, Oh Brother where art thou, Requiem of a dream, Dancer in the Dark, A wonderful life etc.

Photographers I like: Wolfgang Tillmans, Nikki S Lee, Alec Soth, Minor White, Paul Graham, Andreas Gursky and plenty more...


Taj Mahal and trekking in the Himalayas was magical, seeing Magda dj'n in Watergate, Berlin ...and yea I was moved to tears seeing Radiohead live.


hmm... maybe Thai cooking? I'm a bit obsessed by it at the moment.


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