Fotos de Stiven Buda

Perfil no verificado

  • Pago no verificado
  • Teléfono no verificado
  • Documento de identidad no verificado

Quiere conocer gente

  • Última conexión hace alrededor de 5 años

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  • 15 recomendaciones 6 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Italian, Sign Language - Spanish; está aprendiendo French
  • 37, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2014
  • Actually working in a Restaurant. I'm Agricultural biotec...
  • Scientific Lyceum, University of Catania.
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Makes Smiles People
Enjoy the nature
Looking for eternal Equilibrium
I would like to meet a lot of smilng people of all over the world.I never mind about their life, their job, their way to think, their culture, their background. I wish to meet as many people as possible and exchanging our experiences each other


I'm not very tall (about 1,65 m ;P ) but i'm broad-shouldered guy with much power of life. I'm tidy and cleany person: with Stiven ZERO WASTE ! I love to take the "way of life" by children and the "life experiences" by older people around the world. I'd like to fill as many as possible ticks (places visited) on the map of the world :))
I can't live without freedom and nature connection.
I hope to make also several human experiences around the world to come back in Italy wiser to teach on the road, on the beach, at school everywhere.



Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I enjoy surfing and hosting


When I had been attending scientific lyceum I hosted and I was hosted by people belonging to european COMMENIUS project; exactly I hosted a Belgium funny guy and I was hosteb by him in his country and by another commenius host german friend.
I joined CS meeting in Rosario and in Catania.
I had have an amazing CS host experience in Buenos Aires , Mar Del Plata, Cordoba ecc.


Make smiles on several people around the world :)

  • culture
  • dancing
  • yoga
  • traveling
  • surfing
  • sports
  • nature connection

Algo increíble que he hecho

Barcellona, Lloret De mar, Anversa, Bruxelles, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Paris, Lille, Tunisi, Athena, Loutraki, Malta Island, Sofia, Sunny Beach, Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina), Victoria (Entre Rios, Argentina), Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Paranà (Entre Rios, Argentina), Iguazù (las cataratas), Ciudad del est (Paraguay) , Iguaçu (Brasil) . Mountain Etna it's incredible attractive place !

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