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Зарегистрируйтесь на Couchsurfing, чтобы увидеть полный профиль пользователя Danielle.
Обо мне
To show kindness and compassion, to grow and to help cultivate growth in others, and to advocate for those with little or no voice.
I love blues dancing, writing letters, playing guitar, folk nights, and game nights with my friends. Fancy dinner parties and cozy bonfires are equally great. Excellent conversationalists gain my heart within seconds.
I live for the fire in my belly and the breeze in my chest. I have passion for underserved youth and mistreated children. I believe in love and grief and justice.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I readily surf *and* host!
I've acquired some good friends from couch surfing. I started while I was living in New Hampshire for school. Boston was so far away, but it was the only place to go for any decent dancing. I started staying over at dancers' houses instead of driving home at 3am. Now, I mostly host visiting dancers.
- Argentine tango
- blues dancing
- discussing and ignoring social norms
- outdoorsy things
- cards, word games, and board games
- dry red wine
- scotch
- writing (letters, poetry, etc.)
- human behavior
- open mics
- writing
- poetry
- singing
- dancing
- tango
- cooking
- wine
- red wine
- vegan
- partying
- board games
- guitar
- blues
- surfing
Музыка, кино и книги
Movies: Anything that sweeps me under the heavy rug of imagination.
Music: Mountain Man, Hey Mama, Eva Cassidy, Neko Case, Tom Waits, Meschiya Lake and the Little Big Horns
Books: Some of my favorite authors include Francesca Lia Block, Madeleine L'Engle, Italo Calvino, and Anais Nin. Young adult novels generally keep my mind and heart simultaneously engaged.
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
Floating in the Dead Sea was by far the coolest thing I've ever done in my life. My experience at the Western Wall (the Kotel) comes in at a very close second. Ask me about it!
Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией
I can teach you how to cook or bake something tasty AND vegan.
I can teach you how to sing.
I can teach you how to dance.
I can administer some life coaching.
Где я побывал(-а)
France, Israel, United States
Где я жил(-а)
United States
Значки старожила
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