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  • 22 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German
  • 39, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • work, study most importantly after hard work and study to...
  • CIMA - Finance management
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

enjoy life more, appreciate the small things in life. --- Keep it simple


I think I am down to earth person, positive, open minded, meeting new people/cultures and I like travelling. keep my self busy by working full time and study part time and in between doing some sports. Being mindful, yoga, tai-chi and some of the fitness classes like spinning and body pump but also cycling outsite and running and walking. I like to see the way other people live their life, when I was in China, my tourgide asked me if I like to come with her and pick up her son from school. (her son was about 7 years old) she had to go to a teacher and just left me alone with her son for 15 minutes, while I looked after him I spoke to him in English his english was brilliant, after my tour guide came back she invited for a snack to her place and met her husband as well. it was the best part of my China holiday, the different form the school I have been in Germany and compared to the school in China, the behavior of the kids, it was amazing to experience.


Never start to stop, never stop to start with new things.
There is so much to learn, so many stories to be listen to in this world.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


When I used to work in Hotel, I sometimes got couch-surfers in a 4 star hotel, sometimes in a Mastersuite:) It was not for free but family rate for 25£ it made me happy to help travelers I was unable to host people in staff accommodation, once I did and some told on me:( So I had to stop:(

Since two years I have a house which is great - however I life at a place which is not very attractive for tourists. Than I got a massage from someone requested to stay at mine for a week, as he is starting a new job around my area. However he could not find a place to move in too so he became a short term lodger.

In Switzerland I manage to meet in a restaurant for a beer and food... simply great to meet people with different stories :)

I created a own group and managed to meet some people from this page... I stayed with a guy when I changed jobs and Loong really helped me out big time even left me alone in the house while he had to go travelling....

I met on Halloween 2008 more couchsufers which was fun. By now update 2010 I think i did not stay over at any ones yet, but I went out with couchsurfers and we became good friends, also when I was able to take people sometimes I had someone staying with me in England she came from Germany, she liked England she liked how I lived and now she moved to England, it was ammazing to show her how live can be, its always great meeting her.


Travelling& being happy.
Going out with friends, keeping fit, movies
To chill out
Sometimes just being lazy and hanging out enjoying the good weather, which we do not have too much in the UK :)
Baking (especially chocolate brownie cake), pizza ( which I did at my housewarming for 20 people... it was fun but exhausting, but love being in the kitchen making food and having conversations. :) and a glass of wine or pre-dinner cocktail :)
used to go with a friend to a pub for salsa dancing .. that was one... lets do it again :)

  • concerts
  • dining
  • drinking
  • movies
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • cycling
  • bungee jumping
  • sports
  • teaching
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: 100 top charts, classic, nearly everything
Movies: Funny movies, action, thriller
Books: The Swarm from Frank Schaetzinger, I do not read very often books, the book must really get me. If I do not like the first 20 pages I normaly stop. also I always ask friends for good books.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Guess a lot of friends said it was a great achievement when I raised money for a charity. Basically I was unwell for few month but carried out for another few month and I just kept my beard growing it was difficult for me to care about anything.... when I started going back to work and met friends there was always comments about my beard - especially everyone new me without the beard - However everyone liked touching it as when I started to feel better I took care and it was super soft :) At somepoint the question came up : "How much money I need to pay that you shave of the beard? - that gave me the idea to raise money for a charity... which was successful - since that point I do more for charity where I can. Please see pics for my beard :)

Amazing thing: Eating that is so great and I do it a lot:-) I met Kirsten Dunst in a hotel and spoke with her for a while and I did a whole night the drinks for the Black eyed peas after their concert and I did a bungee jump.August 2011


Amazing thing I have seen: Where shall I start East coast of America, Los Vegas, San Fransico ... ... China: for-bitten City, The Temple of Summer, The great Wall... ... Italy: Pisa... etc

Teach, Learn, Share

During full time job, study and trying to keep my social live going, though I have to say my friends are very understanding that I have to say no sometimes and stay home for studies I like voluterring, giving back to the community and nature.

Motivating people to do more sports and walk or cycle than just using the car :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

my wicked humor :)

some great stories and I am a good listener....

I am easy guest so I been told from many friends, sometimes the best live or moment is to keep it simple.... live can be sometimes complicated enough....

Countries I’ve Visited

China, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, Germany, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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