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  • 38 references 17 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Polish; learning English
  • 35, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Student, Traveler, Photographer
  • Student of Psychology
  • From Polanica Zdroj, Poland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Improve Photography and Psychology


It will be - just me. Although describing human being, so all about me also, is one of the philosophers big questions. Since that I can try to describe myself by few points:

The aim of life
To enjoyed or satisfied it as much as possible. Don't like any idea of wasting time. With big probability we have just one life, which was given to us, and every moment is important. How to enjoyed life? I strongly believe that's just a perspective of our thoughts. And that's what we can control.

"Found something what you love, and let that thing kill you". Enjoying life without passion will be much harder, and for me kind of boring. When we're talking about passions I always mention tree things: photography - which is something what I'm giving to other people, psychology - which is something around what my life is focused, and travelling - which is smth what making me wiser.

"Do whatever you want , if it's not hurting others". I really love idea of independent every human being. At that same way I hate way of thinking which include that smth you cannot do just because it's not alright, it's in opposite to the rules. I believe that all rules are just a hints. World is changing to fast for the strictly rules (I mean both: law and social).

"Trust in humanity, don't believe to anyone". People are good. It's part of my believe, but at that same moment you shouldn't trust to anybody. Just because only one person who is responsible for you, it's yourself.

"Be happy, life is to short for to much sadness".


"Be happy. Life is beautiful and it's worth happiness from you. Be responsible of your life. You're the only think which you really posses, you can change everything, can achieve anything. Don't hurt, don't judge others. As you're responsible just for your life, it's only one which you can try to understand. Smile. Just smile"

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Surf, host and meeting as much as possible!


I met CS in Transilvania Winter Camp. And I think i love this sociality!
Before my trip I surfed only one time in Spain. But during my trip I enjoy to met or surf of a lot of people!
5 times surfed in Russia
3 times surfed in Mongolia
5 times surfed in China
3 times surfed in Vietnam
and met incredible more CouchSurfers (like coffe met, or surfed at that same time)


Psychology - for me is smth more than just a study. It's part of mine life. I'm strongly interest in positive psychology in whole wide perspective.

Photography - I started years ago during my 9 months of backpacking around Asia. And in every day I founding more and more in that field, which I can improve. I love it also, course it's smth what I can offer to others.

Meditation, Joga - it's part of my every day hygiene, so I learn a little bit about it.

Philosophy - some way of understand really different points of view.

  • photography
  • cooking
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • survival
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • camping
  • buddhist
  • swimming
  • law
  • psychology
  • hitchhiking

Music, Movies, and Books

My favorite autors of book:
Tolkien (LotR),
Herbert (Diuna),
Coelho (Alhemic),
Pratchett (Discworld),
Sapkowski (Witcher),
Trudi Canavan (The Black Magician Trilogy)
a lot of another polish fantasy writer

Favorite Movies:
Bridge to Terabithia
Into the wild
Lord of the rings
Requiem for a dream
Finding Forester
Scent of a Women
Lion King
Pirates of the Caribbean
Remember the Titans
Cruel Intentions
Fight Club
Forest Gump
Good Will Hunting

I listen a lot kind of music. I'm now a dub step person xD

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

hitch-hiking a cross gobo dessert in Mongolia during winter with -40 Celsius degree. And survived night there, alone... xD

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach a polish language, some advice about backpacking, photography, swimming and positive thinking.

I want to learn about photography, survival, harmonica playing, Buddhism, meditation, shamanism, cooking and everyone what I can…

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Laos, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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