Surya P's Photo

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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Kannada, Tamil; learning Hindi, Telugu
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • User Experience / Software Designer
  • College of Engineering, Guindy
  • From Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I'm from Salem, Tamil Nadu. I work as a software designer in Bangalore, Karnataka. When I'm not doing that, I work as a gardener in my garden in Salem, Tamil Nadu. My Instagram:

I'm an extrovert person by nature and love to travel. Last year I made it to Himachal and stayed there for a couple of months with a friend. The trip kindled my passion for running and hiking. I'm an active and morning-person. I've been running a lot recently and found it liberating.

Love to talk a lot about many things, including but not limited to, politics, plants, queer rights, the human condition, films, series, family, friends, design, languages, food, cities, archaeology, art, craft and more.

P.S. I cook amazing food and you'd have a great time with that.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I found a lot of like-minded people by doing something new, for example, running, hiking etc. I enjoy meeting people, sharing stories and building a network. I came across CS and this felt like a good place for combining my love for traveling and connecting with like-minded people.

I believe in traveling in the old way, meaning, when there was no hotel industry, people relied on nature and other people for their traveling expeditions. Our old homes used to have a pyol / திண்ணை dedicated for travellers to rest. So, I am hoping I'd get to travel around like that, without much impact on the environment.


  • cooking
  • running
  • gardening
  • hiking
  • talking

Music, Movies, and Books

I love listening to Ilaiyaraaja, a Tamil film composer who's transcended genres and sensitized South Indian audiences to the world music. From time to time, I love Abba, pop songs (love Rihanna), and anything that comes across my ears.

I love watching thrillers and comedy movies.

I read less on books but a lot on the internet as articles. On books, I prefer reading anthropology and original research books.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Why one, here's two

I picked up running this year and completed 7 races. Came 5th on a trail running race.

Traveling to Manali and almost completing all the popular hikes around there, each in one day.

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach and share:
Tamil / தமிழ், User experience design, Running, Cooking, Gardening, Workouts, Political and social awareness philosophies.

Philosophy, Cooking, Natural wonders, Language.

What I Can Share with Hosts

- My awesome cooking
- My tips to get started with running
- My political & social discourse
- My travel stories
- My photo prints

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