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Construir uma comunidade alternativa vibrante na floresta tropical ... To build a vibrant alternative community in the rain forest..
(See in English Below)
Sam e eu estamos vivendo no Brasil agora. NÃÆós compramos 78 acres aqui, com trÃÆês outras famÃÆÃÂlias, e comeÃÆçamos uma comunidade na floresta tropical. A terra ÃÆé uma ÃÆárea incrÃÆÃÂvel de Mata AtlÃÆântica, com um enorme rio para nadar, cachoeiras, milhares de ÃÆárvores frutÃÆÃÂferas, muitas delas selvagens. Temos uma sala de jantar comum, bem como casas individuais. O local estÃÆá sempre cheio de visitantes, amigos e voluntÃÆários que vem para trocar experiÃÆências e ajudar com vÃÆários projetos (jardinagem, construÃÆçÃÆão, etc) durante o tempo que ficam conosco. Estamos perto da vibrante e divertida de cidade do surf, ItacarÃÆé. O acesso ÃÆànossa comunidade ocorre de barco ou veÃÆÃÂculo 4x4, e por isso vamos nos organizar para buscÃÆá-lo na cidade quando chegar.
Estamos tentando preencher nossas vidas com mais m̮̼sica e dan̮̤a. Por isso, se voc̮̻ gosta de ouvir ou fazer m̮̼sica, cantar ou dan̮̤ar, venha faze-lo aqui!
Nossas viagens nos levaram da AmÃÆérica Central ÃÆàAmÃÆérica do Norte, para a ÃÆÃÂsia e para a ÃÆÃÂfrica. NÃÆós estamos de mente aberta e gostamos de conhecer novas pessoas. Sam nasceu e viveu no LÃÆÃÂbano atÃÆé a adolescÃÆência, depois viveu com sua famÃÆÃÂlia no CanadÃÆá durante 6 anos antes de viajar. Liz (34), esposa de Sam, ÃÆé de Utah. NÃÆós somos pessoas amÃÆáveis âÃâ¬Ãâ¹Ã¢Ãâ¬Ãâ¹que sempre procuram ligaÃÆçÃÆões mais profundas, com as pessoas e com a terra.
Sam and I are living in Brazil right now. We bought 78 acres here with 3 other families and started a community in the rain forest. The land is an amazing area of Atlantic rainforest with a huge river to swim in, waterfalls, thousands of fruit trees, many of them wild. We have a communal dining hall, as well as individual houses, and the place is always filled with visitors, friend, and volunteers who stay here and exchange helping with various projects (gardening, building, etc.) for living here for a while... We are near the vibrant and fun surf town of Itacare. Access to our land and community is either by boat or 4x4, so we will arrange to pick you up in town when you arrive.
We are trying to fill our lives with more music and dance. so if you play music, sings, dance do so here!
Our travels have taken us from central America to North America to Asia to Africa. We're open-minded and enjoy meeting new people. Sam was born and lived in Lebanon until teenage years, after that they lived with their family in Canada for 6 years before traveling. Liz (34) is from Utah and is Sam's wife.
IMPORTANT: Please notify us atleast 24 hours before arriving as access to the community is only by boat or by 4x4 vehicle. We have to arrange to come get you ourselves, or for you to be picked up by a river taxi.
If you arrive after 5PM, you will spend the night in Itacare and we will pick you up the next day.
IMPORTANT: Transporting people in and out of our remote rainforest community, and providing housing here is a huge expense of resources... Please do not book your arrival here until you are 100% sure you will make it. Last minute cancellations cost us a huge amount of time resources, and also take the place of someone else who might have actually made it on time... If you do not make it on the date we agreed on, we will not rebook for another time..
Com cada passo que dou na vida, espero chegar mais perto de conexões pessoais (amor) e mais longe das coisas materiais.
(Isso acima foi ela.)
With every step I take in life I hope to take myself closer to personal connections (Love) and further away from material things.
(That above was her.)
我为什么加入 Couchsurfing
Nós surfamos por todo o mundo, e recebemos pessoas do mundo todo...amamos isso...
We have couchsurfered all over the world, and hosted people from all over the world... we love it...
Praias, pisos, barcos à vela, sarjetas e gramados do governo por acidente (apenas Sam) ....
Beaches, floors, shepard's huts, sail boats, gutters & government lawns on accident (Sam only) ....
Leitura, surf, jardinagem, cultivo de alimentos, festas, snowboard, percussão, escrita, estar na natureza, conhecer novas pessoas, evoluir, dançar, tocar guitarra, ouvir música, e acima de tudo a partilha etc.
Reading, surfing, gardening, culturing food, partying, snowboarding, drumming, writing, being in nature, meeting new people, evolving, dancing, guitar playing, music listening, and most of all sharing etc..
- writing
- books
- dancing
- dining
- yoga
- meditation
- partying
- gardening
- boating
- reading
- traveling
- music
- guitar
- surfing
- sailing
- snowboarding
- swimming
- beaches
Em termos de música .... Bob Marley, Greg Brown, Jack Johnson, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Beatles, Bright Eyes, etc ..
In terms of music....Bob Marley, Greg Brown, Jack Johnson, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Beatles, Bright eyes, etc...
"Surfar"o Tsunami juntos (não por escolha :)
"Surfed" the Tsunami together (not by choice:)
Alimentação saudável, relaxamento, deixando de lado o futuro e o passado, apreciando a natureza, yoga/meditação.
Eating healthy, chilling out, letting go of the future and the past, enjoying nature, yoga/meditation.
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Lebanon, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand
Brazil, India
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