Theerasak Punngam's Photo

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  • 28 references 7 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Thai; learning French, German, Spanish
  • 36, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • No occupation listed
  • Student of Life.
  • From Bangkok, Thailand
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Seeking genuine souls who can appreciate the small things in life. Exchanging energy and knowledge.


I'm a very out going person who can cope with generally most situations. Carpe Diem! Ambiverted, though still very outgoing and open-minded. Dreamer. Currious. Passionate.


I'm a guy who believes in the cycle of karma-what goes around comes around. So if your really respectful and sincere towards others and have a real genuine great heart I already love you and you hopefully wont have bad things happen to you. And for those that dont respect anybody including themselves then I hope you can change and learn more about respect.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Exchanging energy and hearing people's stories can be a hubling experience. Share a glance and smile. Throw in a frown or two. That's why I am here.


Photography, making friends, NAPPING, traveling, reading, skydiving, BICYCLING, taking a shower, cute sexy girls, EATING, slackline, playing a game called don't get hit by cars, BIKING, ROCK CLIMBING, trying NEW things, oh did I say EATING, having way too much fun, getting somewhat lost, large fan of spirits( the holy and the liquid), forgetting my name, watching tv from time to time, playing video games, sleep overs, riding in a car, dancing, listening to music, systema, aikido, taekwondo, martial arts in general, fishing, relaxing, partying like a rock star! OH did I mention bicycling!

  • arts
  • photography
  • dancing
  • partying
  • reading
  • tv
  • traveling
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • cycling
  • fishing
  • skydiving
  • martial arts
  • rock climbing
  • beaches

Music, Movies, and Books

Shows: Rick and Morty, Daredevil series( so goood!), Dave Chappelle, Loius CK, Archer, Family Guy, Futurama, No Reservations, Bizzare Foods.

Books- Conditioning for Climbers, Ishmael, Blink, Thinking fast and slow, WE, Animal Farm, Art of War, Zen mind beginners mind, The Hobbit, Ian Flemming novels.

Music- Techno, 90's jams, 00's jams, oldies, sappy country music, hip hop, generally that will get my booty shaking.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I'll go ahead and add several. I went skydiving!! Not only was it amazing but I wasn't ready for the ride to be over; Deepwater soloing in Thailand was awesome; Laying on the white sand beaches on Koh Rong naked, isolated, no one in the distance; 3D rock climbing on Tonsai's stalagtites. There are definitely more that can be listed but too many to recite.

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach - I can teach you how to rock climb indoors and outdoors. How to appreciate the smaller things in life in a different way. Can instruct you through a rigorous workout routine. Massage.

Learn - I generally like to keep an open mind so if there is anything you are willing to teach, I'm an empty glass that needs to be filled.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Exciting times out, dinner on me. If you like dancing you will love me and if you don't you will still love me.

Countries I’ve Visited

Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Thailand, United States

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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