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Rejoignez Couchsurfing pour consulter l'intégralité du profil de THEINFAMOUSJ.


  • 151 avis 108 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English
  • 41, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2009
  • nanny
  • UNC-CH!
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

****** Temporarily had to turn off my ability to host for the duration of the pandemic. If you will wear a mask the whole time, however, I'm happy to have a socially distant meet up with you out of doors if you are in the area. If you are planning to come visit some significant time in the future that the pandemic will be solved by then, feel free to send me a CouchMail about being hosted. ******

I play Pokemon Go! All you other folks who still play, let's trade regionals!

In addition, I have a travel tradition: I bring a book with me to place into a Little Library (Little Free Library or some unofficial publicly accessible book swap location) and grab one to take home with me and then typically to be traded at the next travel spot. In this way, I have a souvenir that won't just gather dust on a shelf. I have brought books internationally, which I hope delighted those who later went searching for a book but more likely confused them because of a language barrier.

== What My Typical Day Looks Like ==
I rarely drink alcohol (but we can socialize over a good cup of tea!) but alcohol is welcomed and allowed in my home and I might join you for a single beverage. I'm definitely not a clubbing partier go-out-get-drunk-woo type. So if you are looking for that in a host or a guest, pass me over.

I have a day job that extends from 7 am to 6 pm during the weekdays, which means I retire to go to bed at a reasonable 9:30 pm give or take an engrossing conversation. If I'm your guest, I'm going to start to sputter out around 10 pm, but that isn't because you are uninteresting so please don't take it personally.

I like music-on-the-lawn type super casual events where everyone is sitting down and spaced out. I don't like live music where everyone is standing up and cramped close together. As a short person, I typically end up surrounded by tall people who create a sound-muffling wall and my experience is then sub-optimal and my time can be better spent. So for that reason, I'll likely decline to visit certain music venues with a guest or a host, but will attend others. I hope this makes sense.

I can host without extensive social interaction (I get it, you have things to do), but I would like to at least get a chat in at some point; it doesn't have to be deep topics.

This latter section is brought to you by the CouchSurfing Subreddit who rightly points out that making sure lifestyles match for hosts/guests is at least as important as making sure hobbies match. If you are interested in adding such a section to your profile for more positive host/guest outcomes, you can read a list of guiding questions over @

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I love to host people at my apartment. I traveled a lot more before I got tied down to my job, so I want to repay the favors I've been given.

Finally, a shout-out to my local CS group! I am active with my local CouchSurfing group. If you are coming to the area, see what we have to offer. You can find us at


I've had nothing but positive experiences through CouchSurfing :: waves to all hosts and guests ::. I have surfed many couches and met many wonderful people who have opened my eyes to outstanding travel opportunities. I love backpacking (in the woods or in civilization) and really immersing myself in local culture rather than just doing the tourist thing. As the LOLcats would say, "Moar pleeze."

As a host, I have hosted a veritable United Nations of individuals through my door, again enjoying each and every one.

While I have a greater opportunity to host than to surf, at the moment, I love both sides of the CouchSurfing pas de duex.

Centres d'intérêt

  • culture
  • books
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • motor boating
  • boating
  • video games
  • board games
  • traveling
  • backpacking
  • kayaking
  • chemistry
  • science
  • tourism
  • dragon boat
  • dragon boat racing
  • stand up paddleboard
  • book
  • book reading
  • pokemon go
  • books,
  • book exchange
  • little free library
  • little library

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I indulge in a steady diet of all of them, though books most of all.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

I have ridden a zebra.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I'm a really good tour guide for Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and some of the surrounding area. I've lived in the Old North State (NC) all my life and so despite the public school's best efforts, some information about the state actually sunk in. :)

I can also teach about science, since I used to do it for a living. Chemistry, specifically.

I can also aid in any childcare related questions that you might have ranging from diapers to teenagers, I've cared for them all. Whether you babysit, have little ones of your own that you just don't understand, suddenly found out that you are going to have a new sibling, or need to find an ideal birthday gift for your three year old nephew, I've got you covered.

I'd love to learn to cook efficiently. I can follow a recipe, but what takes Martha Stewart just 15 minutes takes me upwards of 2 hours to complete. Perhaps someone will teach me the secret to actually dicing things like lettuce. :)

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I also love to travel and stay with other people. This includes quick overnights. I'm aware that I could get a hotel or hostel, but a quick overnight allows me to meet a local and have even those few hours of interaction, sharing, discussion, and exchange. I wouldn't trade that experience for all the five-star hotel rooms in the world. I'm a firm believer in kombu (the Japanese word for hostess gift) and try to bring something that tailors to your specific tastes. Also, wherever I go it appears that the Kitchen Elves (doers of all dishes) seem to follow ... Hmmm, I wonder ...

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

United States

Badges à l'ancienne

  • 11 Recommanders
  • Badge de pionnier

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