Stephen Traynor的照片


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  • 37 评语 23 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 41, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2006
  • landscape designer, willow weaver, wood-worker, horticult...
  • Bsc of Horticulture
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



to update this profile


Im a bit of a dreamer.... but i believe all ambitions start with a dream.... and i believe in the power the lies in positive thinking. And so far I've made alot of dreams happen!!
you'll most likely find me working outside in my garden or in most cases...someone else's garden as it is my occupation and life long passion... if not...sometimes in my workshop, making things from wood, weaving willow into pieces of art...chiseling away....which is how i make my living.but i have many passions....I like being outdoors. love to travel and experience new people, new places, new cultures. love mountain biking, rock-climbing, cycling, keeping fit, and have recently taken up kite-surfing. ive been very fortunate over the years to have spent so much time, without responsibilities travelling around the world.... and i love hosting travelers as i buzz off their adventure!!
i enjoy living a healthy lifestyle....'everything in moderation' .......including moderation!:)


'you cant have a rainbow without the rain'. know which philosopher said that???.....Dolly Parton.... and ppl say she's just a big pair of tits!!!!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I first discovered the website before embarking on a trip to South America in 2007. It allowed me the chance to veer off the 'gringo trail' on a number of occasions, to meet interesting people, and experience new and exciting places. Its usually the first port of call when I'm travelling somewhere, failing that ill check out hostels. I also like to host people at my house. In a sense you get in on the 'travel buzz'.


  • arts
  • books
  • photography
  • coffee
  • working out
  • gardening
  • movies
  • traveling
  • woodworking
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • cycling
  • surfing
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • philosophy


FILMS-withnail&I/leon/dumb&dumber/wedding crashers/taxi-driver/Bourne trilogy/the graduate/goodfellas/casino/amelie/donnie darko.......(endless list)BOOKS- Shantaram,1984,george orwell,lotr,on the road, jack kerouc,hunter.s.,trainspotting, mr.nice, paulo coello, aldous huxley.....(another endless list)
MUSIC- bob dylan,Van morrison,j.lee hooker,gotan project,sex pistols,dj cam,led zeppilin,dire straits,mr.scruff,dj shadow.....


too many to mention....but one off the top of my head has to be my experience taking Ayahuasca during a brief visit to a Shaman in the Colombian jungle. it took 2 days hacking through the jungle with machetes. we hunted wild boar at night with a shotgun (to no avail).... but we swam with the paranahs:)... saw pink dolphins, and slept under the stars in hand-made hammocks to the sound of the jungle! 'jungle is massive' .........
....I also rode a motorbike around vietnam without being killed (everyday on that bike, my life was on the line:)


i can teach how to light a match with one hand?? i could also teach ye a bit about environmental awareness, living more sustainably, the health properties of plants, nature.....without ramming it down your throat of course:)


A bottle of the finest!:)


Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam




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