Le foto di Matt William

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Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Matt.

Informazioni generali

  • 1 referenza 1 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English
  • 35, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2017
  • mendicant
  • high school
  • Di Tulsa, OK, USA
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I'm from Tulsa, Oklahoma USA!
I like to drift around and do whatever suits my fancy! I like to feel free, so I do whatever that looks like to me. For a few years that meant throwing away everything and drifting around with just a backpack. That may be changing. Autonomy is important to me.

I like cooking, and dumpster diving. I love nutrition & I can cook anything! I like beer and coffee. I try to be as honest and respectful to everybody as possible. I think I'm a pretty nice/calm person. Everyone has a right to the emotions they feel. Boundaries are incredibly important in interpersonal relationships, and I think most people are afraid to set them up properly. The two greatest ills of the world are Capitalism and People Not Listening to Each Other.

I believe simplicity is the key to happiness, and that people who can't let go of things are afraid of themselves. I'm allergic to advertisements.
I want to get a few acres of land and make a tiny farm place to live for my friends.
Let's go on an adventure together!

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

To makes friends and sleep on people's couches!
I'm living in a van at the moment, but sometimes that gets old, and I have to leave the van behind and do other things. I've slept in bushes, at bus stops, at rest stops, behind gas stations, on sidewalks, in sewers, in bathtubs, in trees, in tents, on lawns, in squats, on floors, and for a while i lived in a shack in New Orleans that I built out of pallets and random junk I collected.

I like to explore on foot, go places people tell me not to (when there's a good reason!) I like to learn about local cultures, especially their food and customs.


  • writing
  • poetry
  • cooking
  • beer
  • coffee
  • gardening
  • politics
  • classical music
  • hitchhiking
  • urban exploration
  • forests
  • buddhism
  • waterfalls
  • farming
  • words
  • punk
  • avocados
  • anarchism
  • naps
  • urban farming
  • fantasy books
  • magick
  • dumpsterdiving

Musica, film e libri

books: sci-fi, horror & fantasy anything. I read cookbooks cover to cover. Magick, health, travel, woo science, biographies, leftist politics. On the road I'm always digging through used bookstores. George Orwell, Earnest Hemingway, Charles Bukowski, Philip K Dick, Haruki Murakami, Robert Anton Wilson, JRR Tolkein, HP Lovecraft, Robert E Howard

music: I love music made by regular people, who could be my friends. House shows, free CDs, home made patches, ugly posters. fast loud shitty (punk/metal), folk & bluegrass, classical (Tchaikovsky), noise, americana, jazz, traditional cultural music. play guitar and learning washboard. I have a tendency to go looking for new & novel music every time I listen, so I can't really give you a list, but I could make your iPod awesome.

movies: I like horror and sci-fi movies, romantics, psychological thrillers, and anything weird, grotesque, thinky, or indie. spaghetti westerns, eastern horror, documentary, travel logs. I like movies that have soul.
Beloved directors: Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away), Alejandro Jodorowsky (Holy Mountain), Sergio Leone (Good/Bad/Ugly), Andrei Tarkovsky (Stalker).

Oh, Mystery Science Theater 3000. Watching terrible movies in general is great.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Walked through the Avenue of Giants alone and naked. Talk about a humbling experience!
I had never seen them, and some friends from Michigan were traveling through and wanted to see them, so my partner and I went to meet up with them. As it turned out it was the off season, so the park was technically closed, but a local recommended we just go around the barricades like they do. We drove most the way up until we hit snow and hiked the rest of the way.
We had the WHOLE forest to ourselves! (except for a few German tourists that were on their way out when we arrived).
I decided, after smoking some weed, that the only course of action was to let my friends go on ahead and for me to get naked. It was magical. I highly recommend it.

Insegna, impara, condividi

I like to do all three of those things--they pretty much form the basis of my personality.
I'll share what I know, you share what you know, and if neither of us know--well, finding out's an adventure!
If you can teach me something new I know we'll be quick friends.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

I'm an excellent cook and dedicated dumpster diver! At the very least I can cook you dinner.

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Matt.