Philip Clark的照片


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  • 47 评语 27 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 French, Spanish
  • 36, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2008
  • Assistant Sculptor; Freelance Learner
  • College
  • 来自Ranchester, Wy
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



Create, Sit back, and Enjoy


I'm a very active person! I really like to do lots of things and Everything in Variety- Frisbee, Biking, Haunted Trail Walk, Wife Carrying , Hiking, Hitch Hiking, Talking with Strangers, Kinetic Sculpture Races, Music, Juggling, Unicycling.

I just like to be out and About.

I'm From a Town of 700 people in Wyoming. I like wide open Spaces with out many People. I really like to meet People, But Crowds can still be terrifying.

{{{More Stuff}}}
Most of the Time, I'm way Too Shy to talk about myself. I have lots of good stories. So, Heres more Random Stuff.

I love Caving. I try to Make Pad Thai from Scratch. It's pretty good, But I'm working on Perfecting my Recipe.

Once you are my Friend, I will always consider you a friend.
I run with my Arms out Like an Airplane. It's more Fun that Way.
I don't use my Handle Bars on my bike most of the time.

I (used to) play Classical Piano.
I Lettered in Meat Judging in High School.

I make Some Really Good Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. Seriously. I think Only my Mother can Make them Better.

My plan is to Not Settle down for the Next 10 Years. How could I? Theres So Much to see!

I tried to Only eat Carrots for a week. It made my stomach Hurt. I made it 4.5 days. I wore a different Hat for every Day in February of 2004. Thats 29 hats because it's a Leap year.

I took a cross country Roadtrip with someone I didn't know. I hitchhike sometimes!

I'd like to be a Janitor in Antarctica. A Fisherman off the Coast of Oregon. To be a Sailor. I've always wanted to sail--Wyoming isn't know for much sailing.

I can Put up Drywall, Drive a Bus, and Do a handstand for a little while. Not all at the same time though.


All persons are Good.

Do Everything if you Can!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


Looking for interesting people to meet and travel with!


It has always been wonderful! Couch surfers are the most kind People I know!


Street performance (someday)

  • performing arts
  • chocolate
  • running
  • trivia
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • juggling
  • music
  • piano
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • spelunking
  • sailing


Books: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Catch 22. The Golden Compass! Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of Time.

Movies: The Brothers Bloom. Brick.
TV: FLCL. Pushing Daisies. Arrested Development. Dollhouse.
Music: Modest Mouse. Psapp. Dan Mangan.


Isn't Everything amazing? I cannot pick just one.

I once walked for 12 hours, and made it 40 Miles. I got tired so I slept on the steps of A Church in the middle of nowhere. To sustain me, I ate a PB&J every 4 hours.
I wanted to walk 120 Miles, Straight, without stopping. 36 Hours. I might still try it.

I can Carry a 125 Lbs woman 280 Yards, over a log, Over a pile of Sand, And Through a Trough of water in about one Minute and Twenty Seconds.


I love to juggle! And I unicycle sometimes. I'm intermediate at juggling, but I can sure teach you the basics. I also know lots of random trivia.

I want to learn more circus skills.


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