Vladenka78 Potockova's Photo

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  • 36 references 30 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Czech, English, Slovak; learning German, Spanish
  • 45, Female
  • Member since 2010
  • Procrastination, daydreaming and generally keeping active
  • Educated by life so far...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Came back from travelling through wonders of South American continent! :-) Digesting the most amazing experience!


So, all about Vladka... It's not that easy and I know some people might find this boring but here you go... if you don't want to know now and would rather find out when meeting in person I would be up for it, come and meet me in Nottingham... :-)

Otherwise, my hobbies - long story short: Mountains and beautiful landscapes (camping, hiking, skiing, outdoor swimming), Adventure (travelling, adrenalin, photography), Music (fairly eclectic apart from techno, house and mainstream but some ambiente and minimal wouldn´t go amiss, I also do likesome good old hip-hop (Jurrasic5, Nas, Ugly Duckling..)... Red House Painters, Leonard Cohen, Sigur Ros, Okay, Sad Day for Puppets, The Flaming Lips, Daughter, Miles Davis, Power of Dreams, Mark Kozelek, Sufjan Stevens, Damian Jurado, Nick Cave, Serge Gainsbourg, Belle and Sebastian, Micah P. Hinson, David Bowie, Lou Reed, Tom Waits... and loads of other miserable existences :-)))), Film (I love world cinema but am not to keen on the latest action Hollywood blockbusters (with a few exceptions) :-), Sport (everything that would keep me on my toes, mainly long walks and all sorts of dancing - currently getting a gist in South America :-)Food and wine (Thai, Indian, Czech, Greek, whichever really as long as it's accompanied by a nice glass of red wine/pint of real ale), Humour (dry, the driest possible and English :-)... People tend to say that I am quite easy-going, maybe fun to be with (my apparent mixture of Czech and Northern English accents maybe ?!?! :-)... I just like to be surrounded by people who don't like boredom just like myself and want to live their life to the maximum! Please, NO REAL PSYCHOS! :-) Have I not bored you enough yet?


...to try what other challenges Mr World's got in stake for me... and help other people to pass the good vibes on! Anything you got and gained from others and made you feel nice,try to do the same and pass it onto another person, it will make you feel good and it will make them feel good at the same time! It´s a fabulous feeling!!!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I just love the CS idea of being surrounded by interesting people who I am destined to meet, whichever way it happens in my life... I love learning new things and the best way to go on about it is to meet some other human beings... so CS parties as well maybe?!?!


I love meeting new people...i.e. Archipelagos - near Stockholm!!! Amazing...Breathtaking landscape and so much fun!!! Very freezing though! A company of a lovely crazy American and a very intelligent English and incredibly entertaining Germans and oh well, Fernando was a mixture of everything lovely and possible I guess... and skirts were not recommended, Liz :-)
... the most embarrassing moment of my life being invited to a CS party...that's not that bad :-) if it wasn't a five-star Michelin restaurant Esperanto in Stockholm where they take bookings 6 weeks in advance and you just turn up with your stuffed rucksack, in your hiking boots but luckily with a like-minded friend who just like myself couldn't believe we weren't victims of a cruel CS joke! So many thanks, Heather, for all your support! :-) ... and many many more ...


M-U-S-I-C, MUSIC, Music, music, m-u-s-i-c... and literature and film of all kinds!!! Crazy stuff like bungee jumping, wild camping in the ultimate wilderness, scuba diving, jungle explorations, roasting actively on the sun until you get brown not just red :-)... most of all TRAVELLING and meeting new people who will let me get their culture into my bloodstream!!! YAY!!! There's nothing more exciting than seeing new places, meeting new people and do interesting things that you can do when living together on this incredible place called Earth!!!

  • culture
  • literature
  • photography
  • dancing
  • dining
  • wine
  • red wine
  • drinking
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • kayaking
  • camping
  • scuba diving
  • skiing
  • rock climbing
  • swimming
  • languages
  • language exchange
  • beaches
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

Music taste - fairly ecclectic... Mostly weirdos of a kind like Red House Painters, Mark Kozelek, Micah P. Hinson, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed, Morrisey, The Smiths, The Phosporescent, Horse Feathers, Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Ariel, Asobi Seksu, Ryan Adams, Glasvegas, Jonsi, Mozart, Beethowen, Bach, Joanna Newson, Joni Mitchell, Sufjan Stevens, Richmond Fontaine, Anais Mitchell, Serge Gainsbourg, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Scott Walker, Tim Buckley, Bill Calahan and Smog, Velvet Underground, Damian Jurado, Kurt Wagner and Lambchop, Air Formation, Sad Day for Puppets, Sun Kill Moon, Malory, Mogwai, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix... oh, well, obviously loads... I wouldn't have space for books and movies!!! :-)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I love and believe strongly I'm loved...

Momentarily in an absolute awe of South America in Colombia! The latest being Peruvian and Bolivian life attitudes - cold and warm, warm and cold, Chillean helpfullness wherever you go and Argentinian tango charm in Buenos Aires, crazy Brazilian New Year´s Eve on Copacabana Beach and even more crazy Brazilian Carnaval time in Florianopolis, ... also wonderful Christmas Austria and Hungary and also a long, almost 4000km amazing and mind blowing road trip around my always-on-the-bucket-list country - Iceland! Sleeping in a car at -10 degrees centigrade is not ideal but can be quite fun with the right person sharing the moments with you :-) In 2012 I reached the top of the highest world pass in Himalayas without rock climbing permission - Thorung La Pass (5416m), seen Mt Everest as close as I could get to it - scenic flight in a 12 body aircraft :-), travelled around the whole India just on the train, only in the space of 6 months managing not to contract HIV from their dirty razorblades when trying to fix my crushed skull :-), in search of wild rhinos in Chitwan National Park, falling in love with everything Nepalese, adoring wild elephants and tigers in India, chasing the dolphins in the kayak along the shores of Palolem beach in Goa, jungle hike in Laos, scuba diving when almost drowning in Cambodia, motorbike accident and hospital treatment in Thailand, fjords exploration in Norway, drinking absinth back at home, Angkor Wat at 4 in the morning in Cambodia, Lisbonese sun and hospitality at Santos Populares in mid June and Spanish and Catalan lovely craziness in Barcelona and Madrid accompanied by incredible tapas, jamon iberico and other lovely Spanish 'items' :-), sleeping in the pines and smelling the most beautiful morning air outside my tent, mostly in the Peak District in Derbyshire or the Lake District in Cumbria, listening to birds in the morning and getting cold when sipping red by the fire... meeting the most amazing people wherever I went...

Teach, Learn, Share

... to learn from other people who have something meaningful to say and do... We live once, right so why not to make the best out of it, share this experience and try to make it with a smile on our faces?

What I Can Share with Hosts

lots of stories to tell if the host is interested :-) Accompanied by a nice drink in a nice place in their local could be a bonus :-)

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Laos, Nepal, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

Czech Republic, United Kingdom

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