Fotos von Juana Apaza

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor mehr als 7 Jahre

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  • 7 Referenzen 6 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Keine Angabe zu Sprachen
  • 46, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2012
  • Teacher
  • B.S. Family Studies
  • Aus Northern Utah
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


Curious By Nature


I am a native of Bolivia but have been residing in the U.S.A. since age 6. Spoke native language, Aymara, while growning up, then learned English to survive & adjust to living in Utah. I have two lovely dogs, the endearing, loyal, and friendly, Cavalier Spaniel (Rory)and (Phoebe)a mutt from the Arizona shelter. Love to garden but don't do much here since moving to the desert. I enjoy experiencing other climates, meet new people, and not get too comfortable in the mudane.


I truely believe I have much more to learn and experience and gravitate to like minded people who believe they can learn from me as well. We don't have all the answers and when we think we do then ... there is no room for possible opportunities to learn.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


I would welcome guests (maximum of 2) for a short visit (3 days is maximum). This is left to flexibility depending on the situation. You maybe asked to stay longer or find another living situation. I ask for your consideration to provide your request in advance; this doesn't mean the day before. A complete profile filled out with references & a track history is a must. Safety is a priority. The weekend is preferred (Thursday -Sunday). I prefer over 30 years of age or a very mature individual. During your stay here you will be helping in meal preparations, cleaning up after yourself, making your bed. Since you are staying here for free you do your part in making it convenient for me. Please make it known what your plans are during your time here .


I have had wonderful, beautiful, and friendly guests stay here... let's keep that tradition


I have valued the gift of traveling from my parents as a teenager; I was hooked and have since traveled by myself and sometimes with others. I have traveled to Europe, Thailand, Japan, Iran, and Bolivia. My goal is to one day make it to Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East . . . . so many other interesting places ... so little time to journey on this not so lonely planet.

  • dogs
  • folklore
  • coloring
  • cooking
  • gardening
  • traveling
  • knitting
  • painting
  • magic
  • track and field
  • history

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I love to watch "out of the ordinary" movies that don't neccessarily have happy endings; much like life itself. I listen to books on tape and an NPR supporter. Don't read much unless it's an article in a magazine (short and sweet)If you can share with me your musical interest, stories you've read or sites on the net you've learned from, by all means share with me. That would be great that's how I expand my horizons.

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I was one of the few women competitors to compete in the worlds longest handcycle race, 3 times, from Fairbanks to Anchorage in the state of Alaska. It was there that I experienced the unequal recognition of women wheelchair athletes as well as monitary award winnings. I changed that by bring it to light and now we receive our equal share.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I'd like to do the prep-work when it comes to cooking and wait for you to do your magic in creating decadent flavors. I'd like to learn more about the internet and about how things work; not so technically savy. My tallent lies in knitting, water color painting, sewing and beaded jewlery.

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann


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