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  • 324 references 203 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 118, Male
  • Member since 2006
  • Hitch-hiking Vagabond/Environmentalist
  • still learning
  • From The Road is my home
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To keep the stars overhead and the earth beneath my feet...


Adventurous, Outgoing, Environmentalist, Adrenaline Junky, Traveler, Hitch-hiker, Vagabond, Explorer, Hiker, Random, Friend, Son, Brother. HUMAN BEING

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet
And whither then? I cannot say...

Hello. My name is Taylor - and I am a nomad.

Somewhere along the way in life I gave up a sedentary lifestyle and hit
the road, always moving somewhere new, seeking new experiences.

I can't explain exactly what makes me move...except to say that I have
this wanderlust inside of me that drives me on, to feel the earth spin
beneath my feet, to wake up and see a new horizon, feel a fresh breeze
against my face....to be a stranger in a strange land.

Please dont ask me when I am going to stop travelling, I will stop when its time to stop. I wont know until I get there.

Hope to see you somewhere along the way


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I can´t be lost...I never knew where I was going

No plan IS a plan

Everything IS possible

Even if the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree TODAY!!!

---------QUOTES TO LIVE BY---------
I don't have it all figured out, you learn so many things every day, and it's overwhelming sometimes trying to see how it all fits together. I'm starting to realize that each day is a different road and a different journey, and you don't have to have it all figured out; you don't have to have all the answers to everything right now.
- Jason Wade

Let no one be discouraged by the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world’s ills—against misery and ignorance, injustice and violence…Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation…It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
- Robert Kennedy

Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Travel Quotes

I think you really should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been to hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a mans living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have and endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.

Don't settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic , make each day a new horizon.

You are wrong if you think joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has laced it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living.

My point is that you do not need me or anyone else around to bring this new kind of light in your life. It is simply waiting out there for you to grasp it, and all you have to do is reach for it. The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness to engage in new circumstances
-Chris McCandless

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move; to feel the needs and hitches of our life more nearly; to come down off this feather-bed of civilization, and find the globe granite underfoot and strewn with cutting flints." -Robert Louis Stevenson

"All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost" -J. R. R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings"

"The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready." -Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

'If a traveller does not meet one who is his better,
or his equal, let him firmly keep to his solitary
journey, there is no companionship with a fool.'
-The Dhammapada

"The healthy wayfarer sitting beside the road scanning the horizon open before him, is he not the absolute master of the earth, the waters, and even the sky? What housedweller can vie with him in power and wealth? His estate has no limits, his empire no law. No word bends him toward the ground, for the bounty and beauty of the world are already his." -Isabelle Eberhardt

Wealth I ask not, nor hope nor love
nor a friend to know;
all I seek is heaven above
and the road beneath my feet.
*Robert Louis Stevenson*

...If not for our dreams....what are we?

I will go where I end up and stop when I get there!!!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I founded and am co-ordinating the Rural Couchsurfing project

I am passionate about life outside of cities, so if you want to know more check out my group (and the wiki page associated with it).

I enjoy interacting with all the cool couchsurfers who are also passionate about life, the world, traveling and who have love in their life :)
As an ambassador I try to understand all the inner workings of CS, this is not an easy task. I try to follow the groups where information is divulged so that if anyone asks me I am well informed and can have meaningful discussion with them about the site.


Best kind of couchsurfing is when you meet people on the road, in the street - wherever. And these strangers welcome you into their home...


strangers are just friends you haven't met :)

In New Zealand me and a mate were hitching from Christchurch to the west coast and our rides transmission literally exploded haha. So we waited all day with him and his wife came and drove us all back to their place. Really nice couple until the next morning when he thought it would be a funny joke to point a hand gun at us and press the trigger...luckily it wasn't loaded.Down in Tasmania I was hiking on the fabled "overland track" and at about 8pm one night when it was sleeting outside 3 locals stumbled in from the horrible weather outside. I was so impressed by how hardcore they were that when they told me the next day that they were hiking out an 'alternative way' I had to join them. I ended up staying with one of the guys in Launceston for 2 days. He left after the first day but his flatmate was ok with me staying. He even took me tango dancing with his girlfriend! Unfortunately they had really loud sex the next morning which forced me to flee the house without saying goodbye...Then in the Flinders Ranges (Australia) I was hitching north and a guy going south started shouting at me to come have a beer with him, do you have enough food, water etc and he wouldn't leave me alone so I eventually ended up hanging out with him for an afternoon. It was really great, he organized an impromptu bbq and everything. So I decided to stay with him and am playing playstation with his kid...when he and his g/f have a huge domestic and he destroys his own kitchen! He had stolen $600 from her to buy cocaine...so then they left and I was alone in this house with a destroyed kitchen...luckily some other guys I had met at the bar showed up and I begged to go with them and I ended up going to a community party in Lyndhurst and staying with a station hand 40km along the strezleki track! everything worked out ok...in the endAfter that, meeting up with tons of people on the road all over Australia :) This includes Flo and Danny who I met and stayed with in Melbourne! and sleeping outside the visitor info place in Geraldton with 2 Israeli girls :) In Semonkong, Lesotho me and my mate met up with this amazing South African, Stefan, who invited us back to his farm in Bradfort. So we met up with him in Maseru and he drove us back to his place which turned out to be an historic site where the biggest concentration camp was during the Boer War. Stayed with him for 2 awesome nights and he even gave me and my friend 2 amazing hand-made necklaces!After hitch-hiking from Machadodorp to Barberton (South Africa) me and my friend were really tired, hot and sweaty and not into camping on the side of the road and getting mugged so we knocked on someones door and asked if we could camp on their lawn...and they invited us into their home and gave us each our own bedroom, fed us and let us use their internet and drove us 10km the next day :) Gotta love South African hospitality.Arriving in the main hostel in Mbane, Swaziland I met a nice US-American Peace Core Volunteer who invited us to stay with her at her rural homestead for a few days. Very local experience. After staying with Lynn in Inhambane Gregg and I went to the tourist hang out of Tofu and tented in an aussies backyard for a few days (Steve). Lynn then hooked us up and we were able to stay in her friends Anthony's beach-side house in Vilinculous. Absolutely the best hook up I've ever had for accommodation. In the small town of Sena, Mozambique we were able to camp for free behind the only hotel - rather interesting experience.My first night in Malawi I met the lovely Angela Sparks on the back of a truck and was able to camp in her families backyard - with all the local village kids climbing trees to stare at the 'Mzungu's'. Arriving in Tanzania I had a peace core volunteers girlfriends number and I ended up staying on her couch in Mbeya for a week helping her at her orphanage. Pretty interesting experience. While in Mbeya I met a volunteer for Jane Goodall's NGO 'Roots and Shoots.' I then spent a few nights crashing on Jane Goodall's couch!In Rwanda I was unable to couchsurf, but a Canadian couchsurfer who had lived there gave me the contact details for the Brazilian Guilherme who I stayed with in Nygatare (find that on a map!)In Turkey I stayed with my host Antalya's host sister in Adana. In Damascus I met an Iranian on the street and he let me stay at his hotel room for one night. Stayed at the lovely Mar Musa in Syria with the monks there..In Iraq trying to hitch around Mosul a super friendly Kurd would not leave me alone until I went and stayed with him...he would not let me try to hitch around Mosul so I spent 1 night with him in Zakoh. In Poti, Georgia after watching some shady black market deal where my driver handed over a 100USD note (for what god knows) I was invited to stay over at his house with his family.Stayed with some Georgian monks at the Sapara monastery!Near the border with Armenia in Georgia, in the Georgian Siberia I stayed with an Armenian family I hitch hiked with. In Svaneti Georgia I stayed with 3 different families including one of a guy who had gone to america on an 8 day visa but stayed for 10 years!After staying with one PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) I was then bumped to 3 or 4 other of her friends in Azerbaijan (Joe, Carly and Josh)Stayed with a local family in Beyneut Kazakhstan and with a worker at his factory somewhere in between Atreyu and Aktobe...On my last night in Kazakhstan I was abducted by a beautiful 21 old girl, fed and housed before going on my way to the border :)Hitching in Bishkek I stayed for 3 days with the 18 year old guy I shared a ride with who was just about to start university. Wandering through the Waghan Corridor in Tajikistan I was taken to a local doctors hourse in Ishkashim and fed more than I could eat. Then in Khorog I crashed on the floor of a 60 yr old Canadian travelers floor!In Dushanbe I stayed with a dutch guy I met cycling (of course) on the pamir highway.In Mazar-e-sharif (Northern Afghanistan) I stayed with a group of christian missionaries for almost 2 weeks!In Kabul, aftering spending the night on the street I was ABDUCTED by a group of 'businessman' and spent the next couple of days hanging out with them - watching them smoke hash and play cards!=Pakistan=In Abbottobad, Pakistan I was sitting in a chip shop deciding whether I should keep walking at night or not and then a man comes in and invites me to come talk to his family about the northern areas and I end up staying with them (Hamid and Monsoor) for 2 nights. On my way south I stayed with them for 5 days while I had a flu.In Gilgit I was released from detention with the police to a man who had lived in Spain for 9 years in the '70's and I stayed with him for 5 days.On the KKH heading south of course a driver invited me to stay with him at his home.In Talagang, Punjab, Pakistan I stayed with a family for 5 days over Eid Mubarka.In Muzafargarh, Punjab, Pakistan I stayed with some young guys I met at an internet cafe.-South of Muzafargarh I stayed with a bank manager.-Stayed with some engineers north of Sukkor.-Stayed in a village just north of Hyderabad-Stayed with Sufi poet from South Warizstan in Islamabad (awesome?)/end.Pakistan-Stayed with a teacher in small village near Gulmarg, Kashmir-Stayed with some crazy Punjabs in their hotel in Aru, Kashmir-Stayed with the Army (x2) in KashmirFirst night in Nepal I was invited to stay with a family by a truck driver. Welcome to Nepal.Stayed for a week teaching english at a school near Dipayal, Nepal.Stayed with an engineer on the Karanali River, NepalStayed with some teachers in Manma, NepalStayed with locals in villages :)Stayed with a former guide in Jumla, NepalOn the way to Dunai I got sick and spent 3 days at a construction workers house. Then stayed/traveled with a lama for 2 days.In Dunai I stayed with a guy with a guy with the best views on development I've ever met.Stayed with Yak herders and in villages from Dunai to Jomsom.On the way to the India border I stayed with a family in a village and had my first jack fruit!Stayed in monasteries all over Sikkim.In Tripura I stayed with some tribal Christians.Stayed at Gudwaras all over AssamWas abducted by a Sikh family working on a tea plantation near North Lakimpur, Assam, IndiaSpent 3 days on the way to Kolkata with the same truck driver! sleeping in the back of the truck with the 2nd drivers, awesome!Stayed with a the village tailor near Gulmarg, KashmirSlept 2 nights at the pediatric hospital in Anantang, Kashmir.Spent a night in a small town in Gujarat with a banker.Stayed with a German guy I met at a bus stop in Kochi, Kerala, IndiaIn Gujarat I hitched the ride on a back of a motorbike and the guy intivited me to stay in his village.Stayed one night with a friend of cs'er in Malaysia (while traveling with my mom)Night hitching towards Krabi, Thailand in a pickup truck full of Thai women they invited me to stay with their family so I did!Stayed on the porch of a hostel in Kanchanaburi, ThailandStayed with Jimmy on his couch at his hostel in Sangkhla Buri, ThailandWandering towards Umphang district spent 3 nights in Karen villages :)Hitching Towards Mae Sot stayed with a family off of 1090.In Mae Sot stayed with a cool American/Swiss couple.Further north out of Mae Sot I stayed with another american at an orphanage for Karen kids.Temples all over Thailand1 temple in Southern Lao2 temples in CambodiaOn the border of Thailand/Malaysia I was invited to stay with a family :)On the east coast of Malaysia I stayed with a Sikh mystic!Through my good friend Dhugal I stayed with his brother and his 7 kids and his father - in Darwin, Australia.Hitching across Australia in December 2011 I was invited to stay in 2 peoples caravan, one was the 'Granny of the River” :)
In Cluj I stayed with the cousin of my host in Timisoara
A small village in Romania, a lovely lady invited us back to her village her garden was amazing.
Ended up staying in a crazy apartment in Odessa. What a beautiful place!On Rhodos (Greece) an english guy drove me and I ended up cutting some firewood for him for 10euros and I camped in his backyard!I arrived in Kutahya Turkey and while at the post office I met a guy who invited me back to his place for a lovely night.Next day I ended up night hitching to Antalya and stayed in a truck drivers apartment with him!

Arriving in İzmir on nye 2012 nowhere to stay. do free hugs and get invited by lovely cat lady to her apartment for the night! 9kg cat!!!

Couchsurfing via the website

2006 Surfed 5, hosted onceStayed with Jeff and Sigrid in Stockholm, SwedenStayed with Tuuli in Tallinn, EstoniaStayed with Eva in Riga, LatviaStayed with Povilas in Kaunas, LithuiniaStayed with Chris in Warsaw, PolandHosted Anne from FinlandStayed with Tom in Blue Mountains, AustraliaCouchsurfed Mikes hotel room in Sydney, Australia (he's from england and was traveling and still managed to host me!)Met up with Anne's mates Claudia and Angelika to watch the Sydney to Hobart (Syd, Australia)2007 surfed 16Stayed with Steve in Nelson, New ZealandStayed with Kirsty in Christchurch, New ZealandHad dinner with Seth and Anna at the Sweaneys (Canberra, Australia)Met up with Nici, Lorree and Roseanna for drinks in Canberra, AustraliaStayed with Pam and John in Bodalla, NSW, AustraliaStayed with Flo in Melbourne, Vic, Australia Met Danny as wellMet Silvia in Hobart, Tas, AustraliaStayed with Sophie and Matt in Hobart, Tas, AustraliaStayed with Alisdair in Melbourne, Vic, AustraliaStayed with Wikky Woo in Adealaide, SA, AustraliaStayed with Jules in Horsham, Vic, AustraliaStayed with Leah in Warrnambool, Vic, AustraliaStayed with Wikky again :D Adelaide, South Australia, AustraliaMet up with Magdalena for a chat in Adelaide, South Australia, AustraliaStayed with Simona in Kingscote (Kangaroo Island), South Australia, AustraliaStayed with Jess in Adelaide, South Australia, AustraliaStayed with Meghan in Yulara (Uluru), Northern Territory, AustraliaCouchsurfed Flo and Danny's Hotel Room (randomly) in Exmouth, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Dhugal in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Met up with Flo and Danny AGAIN, Alesha, Austrian couple, ShazzaStayed with Rafeena in Freemantle, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Dhugal AGAIN in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Met up with Flo yet again, Alesha AGAIN, Shazza again, Aoife and YvonneMet up with Janine in Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Anthony in Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaCrashed one night with Hugo in Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Paula and Danny in Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Dhugal for a THIRD TIME in Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaStayed with Wicky Woo for a THIRD TIME in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Stayed with Lei in Tuross Head, New South Wales, Australia2008 Surfed 42Stayed with Gabriele in Quebec City, Quebec, CanadaStayed with Philippe in Montreal, Quebec, CanadaStayed with Connie in New York City, New YorkStayed with Monica in Ladysmith, Kwaza-Natal, South AfricaStayed with Che and Xylo in Bloomfontein, Free State, South AfricaStayed with Alwyn in Johannesburg and Machadodorp, South AfricaStayed with Lynne in Inhambane, MozambiqueStayed with Jacques in Blantyre, MalawiStayed with Frauke and Saquip in Lilongwe, MalawiStayed with Matt in Nhkata Bay, MalawiStayed with Toni in Moshi, TanzaniaStayed with Andy and Emanuela in Kabale, UgandaStayed with Lydia in Entebbe, UgandaStayed with Marrit and Hassan in Kampala, Uganda Stayed with Itai, Gilshay and Dana in Jinja, UgandaStayed with Nick in Nairobi, KenyaStay with Clement, Grenoble France. Met Baptou!Stayed with Kamila in Tromso, NorwayMet Ivett in Budapest, Hungary for some night hiking in the Pest hills!Stayed with Sara and Phil in Rioccini, ItalyStayed with Elisa in San Marino!Stayed with Fabio in Trieste, ItalyStayed with Lucia in Trieste, ItalyStayed with Maja, Miro and the rest of the family in Ljubljana, SloveniaStayed with Katja in Bled, SloveniaStayed with Gandalf and Sara in Postojana, SloveniaStayed with Vedran in Rijeka, CroatiaStayed with Sylvia in Sibenik, CroatiaStayed with Marin in Split, CroatiaStayed with Nelly in Mostar, BosniaCouchsurfed Stefans truck in Dubrovnik, CroatiaStayed with Franzi and Anna in Bar, MontenegroStayed with Oleg and Anya in Sutumore, MontenegroStayed with Steve in Podgorica, MontenegroCrashed at Ellens place, Peja KOSOVOStayed with Flamur in Prishtina, KosovoStayed with Tomi in Skopje, MacedoniaStayed with Ace in Veles, MacedoniaStayed with Matina in Thessaloniki, GreeceStayed with Janis and Lina in Xanthi, GreeceStayed with Christof and Georgia in Alexandropli, GreeceStayed with Emel in Tekirdag, TurkeyStayed with Daniel in Istanbul, Turkey2009 surfed 33Stayed with Kaisa on the ASIAN side of Istanbul, TurkeyStayed with Melissa and Ekel in Bursa, TurkeyStayed with Olivier and met Tuba and other Canakkale CS'ers in Canakkale, TurkeyStayed with Tarik and met Duygyu in Izmir, TurkeyStayed with Alaattin and Ozgur in Bodrum, TurkeyStayed with Engin; met Ozlem and her sister in Fethiye, TurkeyStayed with Fez, Cladio and Ylalya in Antalya, TurkeyMet up with David, Santiago, Yahya, Jing-lee, Sing ing and Berak in Halab, SyriaCouchsurfed with Mohammed in Latakia, SyriaCouchsurfed with Fraya in Homs, SyriaCouchsurfed with Yahyah in Halab, SyriaCouchsurfed with Souhbi in Damascus, SyriaCouchsurfed with Fraya again in Homs, SyriaCouchsurfed with Ozgur in Erzurum, TurkeyStayed with Ekaterine in Tbilisi, GeorgiaCouchsurfing Meeting Tbsili! then hitch hiking meeting - elba - met vlad and ula and so many others there!Stayed with Emanuel in Tbilisi, GeorgiaStayed with Tor in Ganja, AzerbaijanStayed with Colleen in Ismayli, AzerbaijanStayed with Kyle in Baku, AzerbaijanStayed with Natalaya in Baku, AzerbaijanStayed with 'SURFANT' in Baku, AzerbaijanStayed with Abdurazak in Aqtau, KazakhstanStayed with Vicent in Shymkent, KazakhstanStayed with Anna in Almaty, Kazakhstan Met SusannahStayed with Oleg in Karaganda, KazakhstanStayed with Siv in Urumchi, ChinaStayed with Yuan in Lanzhou ChinaStayed with Charming - Met Chen Chen and Eric in Xi'an, ChinaStayed with Wes, Coryn and the lovely Sasa in Shanghai, China.Traveled with Sarah (from Germany) for one month as we hh'ed across China :)Stayed with Dhane in Chengdu, China.Stayed with Kemal in Bishkek, KyrgyzstanStayed with Cameron, Met Selbi *heart* in Bishkek, KyrgyzstanStayed with Kausar in Peshawar, PakistanStayed with Aly,Shahana and Noe in Hyderabad, PakistanStayed with Moiz in Karachi, Pakistan. Met Tanvir2010 surfed 37Stayed with Ali/Najam/Amna in Lahore, Pakistan. Did a free hugs event and met loads of cool cs'ers!Stayed with Sultana in Islamabad, PakistanStayed with Barbara in Delhi, India. Met up with Chris, Puneet and a whole host of other cs´ersStayed with Chandra in Delhi, IndiaStayed with Wolf in Chandigarh, IndiaStayed with Jagpal and his family in Bhatinda, IndiaStayed with Dhanna in Jaisalmer, IndiaStayed with Kyamu in Ahmedabad, IndiaStayed with Husain and Poornima in Mumbai, IndiaStayed with Urmila, John and Nion+Rain (family) in Pune, IndiaStayed with Puneet in Delhi, India Traveled with Puneet and for 2 days with PaulaStayed with Nitin in Shimla, IndiaHitch-hiked with Puneet for 2 weeks around KashmirStayed with Farooz in Sringagar, KashmirStayed with Jaspreet in Chandigarh, IndiaStayed with Hem in Kathmandu, NepalStayed with Krishna and Max in Kathmandu, NepalStayed with Anya in Bhaktapur, NepalStayed with Anmole in Kalimpang, Gorkaland, IndiaStayed with Devabrata in Guwahati, Assam, IndiaStayed with Vicky in Shillong, Meghalaya, IndiaStayed with Amit in Kailashahar, Tripura, IndiaStayed with Abdul in Sivsagar, Assam, IndiaStayed with Rajan in Dibrugarh, Assam, IndiaStayed with Chandan in Chabua and Digboi in Assam, IndiaMet Ankit in Guwahati, Assam, IndiaStayed with Matthias in Kolkata, West Bengal, IndiaStayed with Jaspreet for a 2nd time in Chandigarh, IndiaStayed with Ranjith in Kunnur, Kerala, IndiaStayed with Arjun in Calicut, Kerala, IndiaStayed with Shamanth in Calicut, Kerala, IndiaMet Sajo in Nilambur, Kerala, IndiaStayed with Shalini in Ooty, Tamil Nadu, IndiaStayed with Joshe in Chalakady, Kerala, IndiaStayed with John in Kollum, Kerala, IndiaStayed with Monolita in Kochi, Kerala, IndiaStayed with Ketul, in Baroda, Gujarat, IndiaStayed with Arnav in Khargpur, West Bengal, IndiaStayed with Eric in Singapore!Stayed with Dhugal in Singapore!Stayed with Poh and Chewy in Yong Peng, MalaysiaStayed with Fung in Segamant, Malaysia2011 surfed 25Stayed with Winnie in KL, MalaysiaStayed with Alex and Day Yann in Penang, MalaysiaStayed with Wan in Penang, MalaysiaStayed with Michele (Nom@d) in Penang, MalaysiaStayed with Pad in Patthalung, ThailandStayed with Melinda and Erika in Phuket, ThailandStayed with Jen and Chris in Ban Chang, ThailandStayed with Jane and Mai in Bangkok, ThailandStayed with Toom in Bangkok, ThailandStayed with Christie and Cassie in Suphan Burie, ThailandStayed with Serge and Sandra near Fang, ThailandStayed with Patrick in Vientiene, LaosStayed with Luc et famile in Attapeu, LaosStayed with Matthew+Annie in Siem Reap, CambodiaStayed with Johannes in Kantharalak, ThailandStayed with Toom a 2nd time. Bangkok, ThailandStayed with Pad,On+Sarah a 2nd time. Phattalung, ThailandStayed with Dhugal in Singapore - 2nd time in Singapore, 5th time overallStayed with Chris in Darwin, AustraliaStayed with Noodle and Kat in Darwin, AustraliaStayed with Amy-Nicole in Upper Manila, NSW, AustraliaStayed with Tani in Ubud, IndonesiaStayed with Mirta in Bogor, Indonesia. Met SuciatiStayed with Wahyudi in Jakarta, IndonesiaStayed with Daniel (2nd time) in Perth, AustraliaStayed with Zoe in Freemantle, AustraliaStayed with Pam and John, Bodalla, NSW (2nd time!)Stayed with Caitlyn in Esperance, WA, AustraliaStayed with Mat at the Island, Perth, AustraliaStayed with Kuni in Singapore Stayed with Dhugal in Singapore (3rd time in Singapore, 6th time overall)2012 72 hostsStayed with Daniel in Berlin, Germany
Stayed with Simo and Bobo in Timisoara, Romania
Stayed with Norbert in Reghin, Romania
Stayed with Simon in Suceava, Romania
Stayed with Simi in Brasov, Romania
Stayed with Mihail in Sibiu, Romania
Stayed with Nenad in Nis, Serbia
Stayed with Mitko in Sofia, Bulgaria
Stayed with Laura in Belgrade, Serbia
Stayed with Amra in Tuzla, Bosnia
Stayed with Joanna in Sarajevo, Bosnia
Stayed with Mladen in Split, Croatia
Stayed with Martin in Zadar, Croatia
Stayed with Pamela in Zagreb, Croatia
Stayed with Laura in Belgrade, Serbia (2nd time!)
Stayed with Mitko in Sofia, Bulgaria (2nd time)
Stayed with Tom in Ruzumberok, Slovakia
Stayed with Sarah in Munster, Germany
Stayed with Baptou in Lyon, France
Stayed with Koenraad and Else in Antwerp, Belgium
Stayed with Teo in Paris, France
Stayed with Tobais in Auch, France
Stayed with Fabian in Jaca, Spain
Stayed with Fabienne in Pamplona, Spain
Stayed with Xarli in San Sebastion, Spain
Stayed with Ibon in Bilbao, Spain
Stayed with Joge in Santander, Spain
Stayed with Jorge in Lugo, Spain
Stayed with Eva in Santiago de Compestella, Spain
Stayed with Victoria in Algarv, Portugal
Stayed with Sofi in Vigo, Spain
Stayed with Nico and Itchy in Gijon, Spain
Stayed with Jorge in Santander, Spain (2nd time)
Stayed with Mirana in Zaragoza, Spain
Stayed with Elvira in Barcelona, Spain
Stayed with Manel in Alva, Spain
Stayed with Deborah, Toulouse, France
Stayed with Tobias, Auch, France (2nd time)
Stayed with Xavier, Biscarrose-Plage, France
Stayed with Martina, Osnabruck, Germany
Stayed with Puneet in Berlin, Germany
Stayed with Jovita in Lazdijai, Lithuania
Stayed with Mikael in Vilnius, Lithuania
Stayed with Rasius in Moletai, Lithuania
Was hosted at Andrius's farm for the LT hitchgathering. Ambraziskiai, Lithuania.
Stayed with Venera. Blagoevgard, Bulgaria
Stayed with Ian, Zhelen, Bulgaria
Stayed with Venera (2nd time) Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
/www.couchsurfing.com/images/icon_surfed_with.gif" alt="" />Stayed with Mitko (3rd time) - he wasn't home, his room-mate George hosted me. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Stayed with Katarina, Belgrade, Serbia.
Stayed with Andra, Iasi, Romania
Stayed with Jenna, Chisinau, Moldova
Stayed with David, Soroca, Moldova.
Stayed with Vilena/Max in Tiraspol, Transnistria!
Stayed with Sasah in Kyiv, Ukraine
Stayed with Anya in Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Stayed with Duvale in Djankoi, Ukraine
Stayed with Alex in Kerch, Ukraine
Stayed with Lena and Vadim in Simferopol, Ukraine
Stayed with Ilia in Yalta, Ukraine
Stayed with Katya et family in Bakhchysarai, Ukraine
Stayed with Consantin in Cahul, Moldova
Stayed with Chris in Cluj, Romania
Stayed with Saim in Istanbul, Turkey
Stayed with Amylin in Istanbul, Turkey
Stayed with Ceren in Iznik, Turkey
Stayed with Deria in Rethymno, Crete
Stayed with Pavlos near Chania, Crete
Stayed with Birol and Eren in Izmir
Stayed with Alexandria in Kayseri, Turkey
Stayed with Talha in Eskeshir, Turkey
Stayed with Cetin in Izmit, Turkey
Stayed with Orhan in the hills above Izmit, Turkey
Stayed with Musa and Serdar in Ankara, Turkey
Stayed with Alkim in Avanos, Turkey
Stayed with İnge in Bozyagi, Turkey
Stayed with Jen and Jason in Antalya, Turkey

Stayed with Duygu and Hasan in İzmir
Stayed with Birol and Eren (2nd time) Izmir, Turkey
Stayed with Hema. Cairo, Egypt
Stayed with Shady. Cairo, Egypt
Stayed with Nagui. Cairo, Egypt


Travelled With

Gregg for 2 months from South Africa to Malawi (2008)
My Sister 3.5 months. Rome->Turkey (2008)
Sarah for 3 weeks across China (2009)
My father for 1 month in India(2010)
Puneet 3 weeks in Kashmir (2010)
My mother for 5 weeks from Singapore->Bangkok (2011)
Dino for about a week in Thailand. (2011)
Gregg for a week in Thailand. (2011)
HenrikAcross Java together for one week (2011)
Laura. One week Balkan tour. (2012)
My father. Walked Camino de Santiago together. 2 months, 1400km (2012)
My Sister. Hitched through Portugal to Barcelona (2012)
Jason From Lithuania->Slovakia. Hitch-gathering to rainbow. one week. (2012)
Indre. One week, Romania (2012)
JustinOne week, Turkey (2012)
Stasia10 days. Turkey. (2012-2013)


Being somewhere I have never been before.

Not knowing where I will sleep at night.

Anything Outdoors: walking, hiking, mtn biking, bird watching, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, skim boarding, flying kites, bicycles built for two, hiking, cloud watching, puddle jumping, rock climbing, sky diving, bungey jumping, mountaineering, crevice jumping, concerts, meeting random people,

Into living simply, traveling light, Hitch-hiking, sustainability, permaculture, alternative living. you know, hippy stuff :) Actually, what I want to learn is how to live in a sustainable way.

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with people. Given a story to enact that puts them in accord with the world, they will live in accord with the world. But given a story to enact that puts them at odds with the world, as your does, they will live at odds with the world. Given a story to enact in which they are the lords of the world, they will act like lords of the world. And, given a story to enact in which the world is a foe to be conquered, they will conquer it like a foe, and one day, inevitably, their foe will lie bleeding to death at their feet, as the world is now.
We need to change the story...

It may seem absurd to believe that a “primitive” culture has anything to teach an industrialized society. But our search for a future that works keeps spiraling back to an ancient connection between ourselves and the earth, an interconnectedness that ancient cultures have never abandoned.


Our earth is wounded. Her oceans and lakes are sick; her rivers like running sores; the air is filled with subtle poisons. And the oily smoke of countless hellish fires blackens the sun. Men and women, scattered from homeland, family, friends, wander desolate and uncertain, scorched by a toxic sun…
In this desert of frightened, blind uncertainty some take refuge in the pursuit of power. Some become manipulators of illusions and deceit.
If wisdom and harmony still dwell in this world, as other than a dream lost in an unopened book, they are hidden in our heartbeat.
And it is from our hearts that we cry out. We cry out and our voices are the single voice of this wounded earth, our cries are a great wind across the earth.

Cry Freedom...

  • cats
  • birds
  • culture
  • books
  • singing
  • design
  • beauty
  • concerts
  • dancing
  • tango
  • dining
  • cooking
  • beer
  • bbq
  • vegan
  • running
  • walking
  • partying
  • drinking
  • flying
  • gardening
  • boating
  • shopping
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • homesteading
  • magic
  • outdoor activities
  • cycling
  • fishing
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • canoeing
  • kayaking
  • camping
  • mountaineering
  • scuba diving
  • skiing
  • hinduism
  • sikhism
  • rock climbing
  • track and field
  • swimming
  • agriculture
  • communications
  • teaching
  • emergency services
  • engineering
  • history
  • law
  • tourism
  • hitchhiking
  • volunteering
  • beaches
  • lakes
  • rivers
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Baraka, Napolean Dynamite, Requeim for a Dream, Crash, Goodwill Hunting, Shawshank Redemption, Juno, The Science of Sleep

Music: Seem to love anything with an acoustic guitar and music that you can dance too. But am generally not to fussy :)

Books: Fiction - Catch 22, LOTR, The Power of One, Wheel of time Series, Eragon/Eldest, 1984
Non-Fiction: Anything by David Suzuki, Jared Diamond, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Tim Flannery and of course, Into the Wild.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Where I've been:

*Watched Green Sea turtles laying eggs, watched one drag herself up on the beach passing within a meter of me, heard her breathing, felt the thump of her shell on the sand

*'Danced' with a Leatherback turtle while scuba diving

*Hitched 100,000km+ (and counting :) )

*Traveled by providence for 7 months

*Have never been drunk/high/smoked a cigarette in my life

*Straight lined down a mountain that I had climbed in Northern Sweden (skiing)

*3 days camping on the steppe/hitching with Kazakh environmental scientists - they took me illegally to USSR's former nuclear bomb test site!

*Stared in awe at the Hindu Kush Mountains in Waghan Valley

*Watched the sunrise on Mt. Kilimanjaro

*Hitch-hiked/Couchsurfed with all of my family - Mother/Father/Sister :)

*Went sky diving with my dad for my 16/17th Birthdays :)

*Walked the Camino de Santiago with my father (1400km)

Teach, Learn, Share

Make the ultimate BACKPACKER STOVE
And this is how to get methylated spirits nearly anywhere in the world!

Dental floss works good for sewing stuff! Fishing line too!

If you have questions about anything travel related feel free to ask me, from visa's to packing to where to how...I can probably give you some advice.

Read about hitch-hiking in Central Asia!

I have a 1 TB hard drive and normally try to have it with me to trade media with people.

I would like to build an eco-house modelled after this one using earthship techniques.

After that I would like to live off the grid being self reliant. So if you can teach me about permaculture (specifically vegan-permaculture and forest gardening!!), organic agriculture, building composting toilets (and generating bio-gas from them!), small scale solar/wind, non-cement options, passive solar house design, geo-thermal heating techniques...etc it would be very much appreciated!!!

Can you teach me how to be a better person ? :)

In Turkey: 12

Across China with Sarah (German Wonder Woman!) 123456789101112131415
Also this.

This is an article about building a beer can boat in Darwin, Australia.

I hitched across java with a Swedish hh'er and he made a post about it here.

A little newspaper in Australia put out a little article on me here.

A dutch couchsurfer made an article about me.

Here is a video interview with me about Hitch-Hiking!

This is another video about hitching with my hitch-hiking brother Puneet speaking. He gives me props here :)

You can also read this this poem that a man wrote for me in Pakistan

Vegan cooking in Berlin is more entertaining than you might think ;) Check it out :)

Here is about my boat hitch from Turkey to Crete! 1,

My russian mate talks about our new years eve 2012 adventure here.

Old School Badges

  • 60 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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