Zachary Carlton's Photo

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  • 14 references 13 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning Acholi, French, Luganda, Portuguese, Swahili
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Student
  • University of South Carolina
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Lived in Uganda for a good chunk of my 20s. Started out as a Peace Corps volunteer but found my passion working with smallholder farmers. I've got a ton of crazy stories from having to jump out of a moving taxi to sinking a Landcruiser in the mud in the middle of a safari park (without a tour guide) and walking 5kms at dusk through lion, cheetah, and leopard territory.

My bio 9 years ago > Love people, culture, parties and everything that isn't what I grew up with. I graduated last December and instead of starting a career I'm off to see this big wide beautiful world for some indefinite period of time. I'm easy going, respectful, and full of good cheer and spontaneity. I'm a yes man to a fault but i'd say most travelers are. Adventure brings meaning to life. I love talking about politics, literature, philosophy, and economics but I'm not intense all the time, I value small talk and comedy just the same. I've had a wild ride so far and it's only just begun. I will eat anything you put in front of me although I like to think I have a palate for good food. culturally Texan yet cultured and liberal minded. Just looking to have a good time, grow as a human being, and do good things!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Looking for adventure and good people whenever or wherever that might be

I haven't had a stable place of my own until now so I haven't been able to host all that much but I look forward to paying back all the generosity and good vibes from those who have hosted me over the years now that im settling down. Couchsurfing has changed my life and I've met some of the most genuine people in the world, a few of which became some of my closest friends and still are to this day. Couchsurfing is something truly special.


climbing things
touring motorcycles
building things
good tea
getting in trouble
obscure music
latin food
latin dancing
float tanks

  • culture
  • literature
  • documentaries
  • dining
  • cooking
  • partying
  • motorcycles
  • electronics
  • politics
  • technology
  • reading
  • music
  • rock climbing
  • economics
  • sci-fi
  • development work

Music, Movies, and Books

Music (there are phases)

R&B, classical, rap, Spanish guitar, reggaetón, bachata, soul, pop rock, classic rock, alt rock, electronic

Leon Bridges, Jimi Hendrix, Kanye West, Ben Harper, RAC, David Gray, Red Hot Chili Peppers...


Lost Horizon, Working Days, Another Man's War, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman, The Alchemist, Kitchen Confidential, Albert Einstein His Life and Universe, Man's Search for Meaning, A Universe From Nothing, Notes From the Underground, Capital, Death in Venice, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Barbarians at the Gate, Sapiens


180 South, Maiden Trip, Damnation, The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, Winter on Fire, Slingshot, The Square, Supermensch The Legend of Shep Gordon

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hitchhiked from Melbourne to Sydney Australia and then slept on the beach in Bondi because I got in too late and all the hostels had already closed for the night

Teach, Learn, Share

Spanish to beginner/intermediate non-native speakers. I'm good with grammar and linguistics and can help break down and explain things in layman's terms

Basics of electronics, batteries, and electric vehicles. I'm not an engineer by trade but I've helped build and repair lithium-ion battery packs, installed some solar, and worked on prototype builds for electric vehicles

Personal training. Though I'm not in the greatest shape of my life right now I know a lot about weight lifting and cross training and have helped a number of friends get the ball rolling and start the process of getting in shape.

Computer basics, some basic financial modeling and excel stuff

What I Can Share with Hosts

My good cheer
Help around the house and handy work
Great conversations
Good food (I'm a decent cook when I want to be)
Wild and entertaining stories from my poorly thought out adventures
Agroecology, farming, farm-mechanization, and gardening

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, England, France, Honduras, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Turkey, Uganda, United States

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