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Обо мне
Enjoy life, learn something new every day, make a difference.
I graduated from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA in 2006. I lived in New York City for a while, involving myself constantly in some combination of the following: film/music/art, working with kids, and social justice issues. Now I'm back in Seattle.
I work with kids, make movies/music/other art, and volunteer whenever I can.
I enjoy life a whole lot and appreciate being around people with similar and dissimilar passions.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I'm in Seattle and happy to host fellow CSers. Hopefully I'll be doing some more surfing, too, in the near future!
Pretty limited. Excited to do more!
New Socks, Pretentious Indie Films, High Fives, Pad Thai, Music of All Kinds, Road trips, Rawking Out, Used Books, Old-Timey Photo Booths, Making Lists, The Random Article Function on Wikipedia, Belgian Frites, Natural Consequences
- arts
- books
- performing arts
- movies
- music
- surfing
- volunteering
- road trips
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
As I write this, I'm currently on tour with my little band. Sometimes shows can be pretty difficult: when they don't exactly go as planned or you're dealing with technical problems, or there isn't an audience and it rubs off on your performance. But sometimes it's an incredible and fulfilling rush that absolutely leaves you awestruck. 'What? That came out of me?' So, that's the one I'm thinking of now. More later?
Где я побывал(-а)
Italy, Jamaica, Mexico
Где я жил(-а)
United States
Значки старожила
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