Fotos von Zaq Jiang

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  • 46 Referenzen 24 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend Chinese, English; lernt zurzeit Indonesian, Nepali, Spanish, Turkish
  • 38, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2007
  • Wellness Coach & Experencial Designer
  • Keine Angabe zum Bildungsweg
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 95 % vollständig

Über mich

Adventurer, acrobat, and teacher.

Been on couchsurfing since 2007 and love the community I’ve met here from all corners from Turkey to Tibet. I love listening to stories and observing how each of us experiences life in inspiring ways.

I'm a wild spirit at heart, naturally curious and always seeking adventure. Movement is a big part of life these days mainly in the form Acroyoga, dance, yoga and soft acrobatics.

I'm also quiet, reflective and enjoy finding solitude to recharge and explore within. I enjoy refining my understand of the world around me as much as I enjoy deep conversations which touch on personal stories.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I have done my share of hosting and surfing over the years on CS over the last decade and met some incredible individuals.

The best part of my travels has always been the unexpected thrill of connecting with open-minded strangers and finding moments to play, connected and be brutally human.

I'm looking forward to meeting more people who resonate on the CS philosophy of sharing and exchanging our lived stories and evolving cultures


Movement, inner landscape, yoga, somatic therapy, meditation, wilderness, brilliant designs, planetary bodies, nature, shorelines, colors, music, building/crafting/designing, passionate people-thinkers-makers, stories. Poetry.

  • poetry
  • singing
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • surfing
  • teaching
  • mountains
  • nature
  • trekking
  • adventures
  • freediving
  • sup
  • climbing
  • acroyoga
  • slacklining
  • acrobatics
  • breathwork
  • movement exploration

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Dune, Big Magic, Vagabonding, The 4 Hour Workweek, Deep, Baraka, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the Alchemist, Samsara, King Warrior Magician Lover, the Signature of All Things, Bless the Space Between Us, Born to Run, Deep, Daring Greatly.

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Celebrating a Newroz (New Years) in Diyarbakir with half a million Kurds surrounded by the Turkish army and jumping over pits of fire!

Joining a sky burial in Tibet. Witnessing a human body consumed by vultures (back to the sky) and the bones given back to the earth. Terrifying, confronting and surreal — yet how we relate to death inspires how we live.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Always open to learning and sharing.

Acroyoga, dance, movement

Design - products, user experience
Rituals - morning, evening, tea, cacao
Bio hacks - ketosis, apnea, pranayama

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

Acroyoga & Partner Acrobatics

Meditation, Mindfulness & Awareness Practices

Yoga Asanas & Functional Movement


Emotional Wellness

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Georgia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Thailand, Turkey, United States

Old School Badges

  • 5 Bürgens

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