Fotos de Olivier Marchildon

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  • 12 recomendaciones 10 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, French, Spanish
  • 39, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2009
  • student, estudiante
  • psychology & anthropology/ psichologia y antropologia
  • De Montréal, Québec
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


enjoying Medellin, disfrutar de Medellin


Kind of dificult to describ one self, isnt it? Well to start with the easiest, iam born in Montréal and love this city although it make me miss mother nature some time. Im a psychology student, I love what I do, and no, if iam talking with you, I will not try to find how you are tormented and what went wrong in your chilhood...

However, I'm a chronic human observer (and lover), but hopefully I do it in a more positive way than the one I just mention. I think understanding is better than judging if we want to find solutions to the problems of our specie.

I'm atheist but I consider spirituality in its largest meaning is essential to give a sense to my existence (I do have great respect for believers)

I hate routine.
I live for those moments of total unexpected... when there is enough unknown to force you to be completely aware, ...and to realize how much having your thoughts totally absorb in the present instant is a bliss...


Estoy en Medellín durante un año para un intercambio estudiantil en el campo de la psicología en la Universidad de Antioquia.

También participo en un programa de prevención de la violencia contra los niños en la Comuna 13. Yo, en particular, trato de buscar las formas en que han sido experimentadas en otras partes del mundo que pueden garantizar que los niños desarrollen buenas habilidades cognitivas y socio-afectivas que les mantengan alejados de los grupos responsables del tráfico de armas y de drogas acá en Medellín. Con la esperanza tal vez de desarrollar algo más específico a la problemática de Colombia dentro de unos años con base en los datos que estamos recogiendo ahora.
Soy un observador crónico de los seres humanos. Creo que comprender es mas util que juzgar si queremos encontrar soluciones a los problemas de nuestra especie. Soy ateo, pero considero que la espiritualidad también es esencial para dar un sendido a mi existencia (yo tengo un gran respeto para los creyentes)
Odio la rutina.
Vivo para esos momentos totalmente inesperados ... cuando hay bastante desconocido para obligarle a ser completamente consciente


Lets have a beer, we will talk about it...

Nos tomamos una pola, y hablamos del tema

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


ENGLISH (español mas abajo)

I had so much help and hospitality when I was travelling in Asia, Africa and Middle East by people much poorer than me. I just feel its a duty to do the same when I'm home, as hospitality became over the years an important value for me.


Tuve tanta ayuda y hospitalidad cuando estaba de viaje en Asia, África y Oriente Medio por gente mucho más pobre que yo. Ahora siento que es mi deber de hacer lo mismo cuando estoy en casa, como la hospitalidad se convirtió en los últimos años un importante valor para mí.


very good so far

Muy buenas hasta hoy


TRAVEL, mountain trekking, nature, cycling, music, psychology, anthropology, politics, history, philosophy, biology, ice hockey, poker and much more!

VIAJE, trekking por la montana, la naturaleza, bicicleta, música, psicología, antropología, política, historia, filosofía, biología, hockey sobre hielo, poker y mucho mas

  • beer
  • politics
  • traveling
  • poker
  • music
  • cycling
  • backpacking
  • camping
  • atheism
  • hockey
  • anthropology
  • biology
  • business
  • history
  • psychology
  • mountains

Música, películas y libros

-Cidade de Deus (Mereilles)
-The Godfather (Coppola)
-La Vendedora de Rosas (Gaviria)
-La Estrategia del Caracol (Cabrera)
-Los Viajes del Viento (Guerra)
-Le Dîner de cons (Veber)
-A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick)
-Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Jeunet)
-Walking Life (Linklater)

Fugazi, Pink Floyd, Sonic Youth, Explosions in the sky, Can, Neu!, Velvet Underground, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Malajube, Thee Silver Mt. Zion, B-52's, The Doors, Bob Marley, Tiken Jah Fakoly, The Clash, Harmonium, Arcade Fire, Jean Leloup, Public Image Ltd, Radiohead, The Pixies, The Cure, Miles Davis, Herbie Handcock, Talking Heads, Les Colocs ect..

-Cien anos de soledad (Gracia Marquez)
-Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
-1984 (Orwell)
-Der Steppenwolf (Hesse)
-Siddhartha (Hesse)
-L'Étranger (Camus)
-The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky)

Algo increíble que he hecho

Don't like the word "amazing" in that context but there is some stuff I will rebember from travelling:

I have been adopted by a torajan family in Indonesia (simbolic) an assisted to their impressive death ceremony as a guest of honnor

I had a snowball fight in a bin a an old soviet truck going full speed at the edge of a cliff of at least 100 meters high in Kyrgyzstan

I Got punched in the chest by a local mafia member also in Kyrgyzstan

I Slept in a metal storage infested by rats in company of a nice Muslim man who who had a part of is toe token off by one of these rats once, Kyrgyzstan

Spent 4 days only eating peanuts and a weird dry fruit they had, doing camping in the freezing (but amazing) mountains of Kazakhstan

I cycled the incredible Karakoram highway from China to Pakistan (about 720 km, most of the time above 4000m als) with a crappy chinese bike and my backpack attach to it.

I assisted to a totally insane Sufi ceremony in Lahore, Pakistan

I tried (not on living target) the AK47 handmade in a tribal region south from Peshawar, Pakistan

I walk about 30 seconds on a mined path (unintentionally) near Bamiyan, Afghanistan and get lucky enough to have someone passing by and telling me about it in time for me too stay in one piece

Got invited to a very fancy diner with business people from Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Yemeni deputy ministers while I loss my way when I was trying to reach a town that finally didnt even exist in Yemen.

Traveled 3 days with nomads in central Sudan

Get imprisoned for 6 hours, for a reason I still don't know, also in Central Sudan

Got stabed in Neiva, Colombia (yes, this is the big scaf I have on my arm...)...and by the way Colombia is a totally nice and friendly country wich I love so much, and I want to say that this experience is the product of my recklesness, not of the general portrait of its people

Lived a month with a very good Colombian friend of mine in one of the most dangerous neighborhood of Medellin

Enseña, aprende, comparte

Love to learn, please teach me something

Me encanta aprender, por fa enseña me algo

Países que he visitado

Afghanistan, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Spain, Sudan, United States, Yemen

Países en los que he vivido

Canada, Colombia

Insignias antiguas

  • 5 Respaldars

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