Berlin is a trendy European capital, and the city has played an important role in the history of Germany and the world. There is a history lesson around every corner, and much of the city still bears the scars of war. But over the years, Berlin has been polished and refined into something else entirely. Meet up with friends at one of the city’s incredible museums, great restaurants, or beautiful parks when the weather is nice. Visit the Brandenburg Gate, take in the best view of the city from the Berlin TV Tower, and dig into history at Checkpoint Charlie and the remnants of the Berlin Wall. For a trip away from the city for an afternoon, hop on a train to Oranienburg to visit Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, a chilling monument to one of the darkest events in human history.

Hôtes de la région


50 membres disponibles pour une rencontre immédiate

Photo de N
Nicolas souhaite Umgebung erkunden Il y a environ une heure
Photo de Y
Yunghill souhaite explore the area Il y a environ 3 heures
Photo de H
Henning souhaite Umgebung erkunden Il y a 9 minutes


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