Montpellier is France’s fastest-growing city, and over a third of the population are students, giving the city a youthful, fun-loving feel. Montpellier is a perfect place to ditch the map and wander wherever you please, strolling down cobblestone alleys and stopping at cafes and shops along the way. Get your bearings at Place de la Comédie, Montpellier’s main square that is lined with great shops, restaurants, and museums. Then choose one of the many streets branching off from there and begin exploring.

For a look at historical Montpellier, be sure to visit Saint Clement Aqueduct and the Montpellier Cathedral, a towering stone cathedral that wouldn’t look out of place in a Disney movie. Take a stroll through the sprawling botanical garden known as Jardin des Plantes, or ride a tram to the beach to enjoy the clear water, soft sand, and warm sun alongside locals.

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