Undoubtedly the most famous city in all of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is a picture-perfect city that beckons to any traveler looking to have a good time. A great place to begin a trip to Rio is at the most recognized landmark in the city (and the entire continent, for that matter): Christ the Redeemer. Take a train or hike to the top of Corcovado Mountain to get up close and personal with this massive statue and get an incredible view of Rio from above. On the way back to the city center, walk through some of the colorful favelas dotting the hillsides. They may be a bit intimidating, but these are some of the best places to really get to know what life is like for the people of Rio.

Make your way to iconic Copacabana Beach to sip caipirinhas in the sun, join a beach football match, or splash around in the water. It’s easy to spend an entire day on the beach, with all the food and drink vendors you could ever need and an endless supply of people-watching opportunities. But when night falls, stroll the streets of Rio and pop into whatever bar happens to be playing your song. This city knows how to have a good time.

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Lucas хочет tomar chá ou café 21 минута назад
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Elisson_de_Oliveira хочет hangout 🍻 33 минуты назад


  • Чт, сент. 19 в 2:00 ВЕЧЕРА UTC
  • Фотографии пользователя Elisa Aragao Фотографии пользователя Saulo Duarte Фотографии пользователя umar Henry

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  • Каждый вторник в 7:00 ВЕЧЕРА -03
  • Фотографии пользователя Amytza Maskati Фотографии пользователя Andrés  Barreiro Pardo Фотографии пользователя Bernardo

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  • Каждый четверг в 7:00 ВЕЧЕРА -03
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  • Вс, сент. 15 в 12:00 УТРА UTC
  • Фотографии пользователя Georgina Bolivar Фотографии пользователя Carlos Lúcio Фотографии пользователя Fabio Pire

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  • Пт, сент. 13 в 1:15 ВЕЧЕРА UTC
  • Фотографии пользователя ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Alex ​​ Фотографии пользователя Fabio Pire Фотографии пользователя Raphael Santana

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  • Сб, сент. 14 в 11:00 ВЕЧЕРА -03
  • Фотографии пользователя Tjark Dührsen Фотографии пользователя Fernando Diaz Фотографии пользователя Vinicius Almeida

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