Croatia has long been touted for its coastal destinations, but the inland capital city of Zagreb is building its reputation as a seriously enjoyable city in a country that’s so easy to fall in love with. Zagreb has quality museums, a jumping nightlife, and outstanding food to host an ever-growing amount of visitors year-round. Rent a bike to start your adventure around town, and visit the Zagreb Cathedral which towers over the city center like a guardian. Don’t miss Floral Square, a great spot to mingle with the locals for a cup of coffee and a freshly-made pastry.

Zagreb is a perfect place to enjoy nature as well, and the blue-green waters of Lake Jarun are a must-see for anyone looking to escape the city streets for a while. Outdoor enthusiasts will also enjoy a stroll or hike around Medvednica Mountain (Bear Mountain, in English) which stands at 1,035 meters.

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Alexandra хочет исследовать местность около 1 часа назад


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