Dortmund was founded on coal, steel, and beer. These days, the city centers around more contemporary industries like robotics, biomedical technology, and finance, but its love for beer remains. This is a great city to enjoy classic German brews, with many of its old breweries now turned into amazing pubs packed with locals and tourists alike. Dortmund is perhaps one of the best places in the world to visit during the Christmas holidays, featuring a Christmas market with over 300 stalls and the world’s largest Christmas tree, towering over the city center at 147 feet.

If there’s one thing the people of Dortmund take seriously, it’s football. Everywhere you turn, swathes of bright yellow can be seen, supporting the local top-level club Borussia Dortmund. Get caught up in the passion of the “beautiful game” at the Westfalenstadion, along with over 80,000 screaming fans. Dortmund is even home to the German Football Museum, a testament to the city’s devotion to its favorite sport.

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Emad souhaite drink tea or coffee Il y a environ 2 heures
Photo de A
Ahmed souhaite Umgebung erkunden Il y a environ 3 heures


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