Anna Ireinová's Photo

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  • 11 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Czech, English; learning German, Irish, Spanish
  • 28, Female
  • Member since 2014
  • No occupation listed
  • studying at Faculty of Science
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am an Irish dancer, I enjoy healthy eating and I live in Brno with my parents.

I love cats. Unfortunately I can't have one at home (yet!) but I really enjoy meeting with fellow cat lovers and...I want to pet every cat in the world! (only if they let me of course!) I worked for half an year in cat café in Brno, so that was awesome :)

I currently study program called Environment and Health at Faculty of Science of Masaryk University.

For almost two years I have IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome. Not nice thing to have, even worse to talk about. I mean - poop talk - not very pleasant topic. But it's kind of necessary to talk about it. It affects me when I'm nervous about something. And that's mostly when I'm doing something new - like traveling or meeting new people. I don't want to give up these things so I'm slowly learning how to live with it. But still, sometimes I need to change my plans last minute, visit toilet for suspicious amount of time etc. I'm now on low-FODMAP diet (which means I'm restricting specific kinds of carbohydrates), which can be quite restrictive at times. I really enjoy food in general, I like trying new things but sometimes I need to chose my well-being over some awesome new treat. But low- FODMAP diet is certainly not boring and bland so I can share my cooking with you, if you want to :)

Since I've started dancing and learned more about IBS I think more and more about things I put in my body and about way I think - I want to be happy, healthy, dance better and just feel great. With that goes my sleeping regime - I noticed I feel much better when I go to sleep earlier, so my ideal bedtime is between 10 and 11 p.m. I don't mind one day deflection but other than that, I try to stick to my regime.

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I think this is really cool way to meet new people, find new friends, visit new places and explore new countriens! :)
I also want to become more indipendent so this together with traveling is for me way to go .
Staying in hotel is boring - thanks to couchsurfing we spent one week in squat in London - that was just amazing experience!

I would love to host people too but my living situation just doesn't allow it at the moment. But if you want to meet up and explore Brno, let me know!


I love Irish dance and I've been learning it since 2010. My main focus now is competitive dancing. I was on my first competition in Prague in May 2014 and since then I've been dancing at competitions all over Europe. Dancing it's my passion and it'll always chear me up :)

I'm trying to be mindful about the environment, I participate in SWAPs (exchanging stuff you don't need for different ones you can use) and I'm trying to implement tips and tricks from Zero Waste to my life.

I'm also quite a bookworm. I'll read anything but my favourites are fantasy books, detective and mystery stories.

I love cooking, trying new flavours and combinations. I enjoy watching cooking shows (Masterchef Canada for example), finding new recipes and then eating my creations :)

When I travel, it's mostly for dance competitions. I love to try new competition, get to know different city and meet new people - all in one :)

  • cats
  • traveling
  • reading books
  • health
  • nutrition
  • healthy lifestyle
  • irish dance
  • cooking and baking
  • celtic music
  • irish culture
  • low fodmap diet

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: Kingman: The Secret Service, A Million Ways to Die in the West, Julie and Julia, Some Like It Hot, How To Train Your Dragon

Series: IT Crowd, Futurama, Game of Thrones

Music: Irish or Celtic (Alasdair Fraser, Lúnasa, The High Kings, Poitín, Solas, Socks in the Frying Pan, The Fretless, Gaelic Storm, The Gothard Sisters)

Books - Harry Potter, Stephen King, Lars Kepler, Couchsurfing in Russia

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

The first time I traveled alone - to Ireland of course :) It was quite short trip, I only saw Dublin and Cliffs of Moher but it was awesome. I challenged my fear of heights, I met new friends and danced at music session in pub!

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: I could teach you some basics of Irish dance, share my passion for healthy cooking and baking (healthy doesn't mean just salad :)) and show you some nice places here in my hometown - Brno. I enjoy crafting - now it's mostly sewing but I have experience with many different materials and techniques. I played recorder for eleven years and I tried irish tin whistle for a bit. I started learning Irish language in August 2019.

Learn: I would really like to learn how to speak Spanish - I studied it at high school so I know basic grammar, but I can't really speak much. If you're experienced with photography, I would love to learn more about it! I enjoy trying new things, so just show me what you got and what you're passionate about :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share my cooking skills, my passion about dancing and my "in progress" positive mindset.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia

Countries I’ve Lived In

Czech Republic

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