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- Last login over 6 years ago
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About Me
Atopar un traballo que me permita seguir a viaxar e coñecer mundo. Ah! E mudar o planeta nun sitio mellor. // Finding a job which lets me keep travelling. And turning the world into a better place to live.
Son un tipo sinxelo que tenta ser consecuente cos valores que considera importantes na vida: honestidade, modestia e xenerosidade. Encántame pasar o tempo coas miñas xentes, facelas rir, divertirme con elas de festa. Procuro seguir aprendendo día a día, e o mellor xeito que coñezo é viaxar.
I´m a natural guy who tries to act according to the things he consider the most important in life: honesty, modesty and generosity. I love spending my time with my people, making them laugh, enjoying with them having party. I try to keep learning day by day, and travelling is the best way I know to do it.
Penso que tódolos pobos deberían ser libres, non debería haber culturas sometidas a outras. Porque cada cultura que desaparece da face da Terra, a humanidade morre un pouquiño. Recupera a fé na humanidade. O que menos ten é o que máis dá, e como sabemos, a inmensa maioría da poboación ten moi pouco. Si, pódese.
I think that every peoples in the world must be free. There should´t be dominated cultures by other cultures. Becouse each time a culture dissappears, the human race dies a little bit. Keep the faith in human race. The less people have, the more they give. And, as everyone knows, the very most of people have very little. Yes we can.
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
Varias, e todas enormemente positivas. Dende o Brasil ata o Xapón pasando polos Estados Unidos, todas foron enriquecedoras e en todas elas coñecín xente marabillosa.
Many, and all of them hugely positive. From Brazil to Japan crossing the US, all the experiences were enriching and in all of them I met amazing people.
- culture
- partying
- traveling
One Amazing Thing I’ve Done
O máis incríbel que fixen na miña vida, con moita diferenza, foi a Volta ó Mundo que desfrutei entre 2012 e 2013.
The most amazing thing that I ever made was the World Tour that I enjoyed in 2012 and 2013, so far.