Fotos de Brit-Elin Ladehaug

Perfil no verificado

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No acepta invitados

  • Última conexión hace más de 6 años

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Brit-Elin.


  • 25 recomendaciones 18 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Norwegian; está aprendiendo German
  • 60, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2009
  • I write and take care of people and animals
  • Journalism, theater and most of all by life itself
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 95% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


I want to meet interesting people to listen, learn and share, and to create good moments in life worth remembering


I have chosen a different way of living that differs from most people around here, and most of the time I enjoy my life. People are important to me, love a good sense of humour and honest, open and reflected people.
Being close to nature gives me a lot, and I am very fortunate to be close to the fjords and the mountains.. I have a pantheistic view on life, and I am a spiritual person but I don't jump around chanting on a regular basis..:-)
I am tolerant and curious, and I love to learn. My health can sometimes cause variations in my energy level, but I have learned to live with it and enjoy what I can do. It makes me appreciate the good times even more...:-)
My daughter and son have grown up and more or less left home, but I give priority to spend time with them when they come home.
I like to be with friends, making a good meal and drinking red wine. I like to try new food, so surprise me and I'll be very happy :-)
I like to read, and I have a guitar (or several) in my house. Sometimes I work with amatour theater, and I feel alive being creative like that.
I am not fond of Winter, but enjoy Summer, swimming and sun even more. Summernights don't get completely dark around here, and this place is a lot of social fun at that time... The village is a place people come back to year after year.


Live, and let live.
I live to learn, to touch other peoples lives and have my life touched by them. I want to make a differense.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I guess I will be hosting more than travelling, but I hope to be able to visit Costa Rica. I also like to read about other peoples experience here, and "travel" on internett:-)


Andreas stayed here in the Fall 08

Met Lill for coffee, January 09

Hosted Craig and Jan, April 09, 3 nights, USA

Hosted Lill and Anja, 1 night May 09, Norway

Hosted Lill and Linda, 1 night June, Norway

CouchSurfing event at Runde, 2 days

Hosted and travelled with Kenny for almost 14 days in July, Moscow/Malaysia

Hosted Richard and Kathy, 1 night July, Bergen/England

Hosted and travelled with Mia and Hartvig for 6 days, July, Austria

Hosted Andrei and Candi, 4 nights, July, Netherlands/Brazil

Hosted Mirjam and Evert, 1 night, August, Switzerland

Surfed at Lills place with several other nice couchsurfers, Aug. 1 night

Hosted Antonia 2 nights,Aug. Netherland
Hosted Jan and Hilde, 1 night, Belgium
Hosted Lill, Ingvild, Frank, 1 night, Norway
Hosted a potluck dinner for ten people from five nations, Aug :-)
Hosted Hareryong and Youngae, South Korea, 1 night Aug.
Hosted Grzegorz, Poland, 3 nights Sept.
Hosted Jelle, Belgium, 6 weeks Oct/Nov.09
Couch surfing event at Sandane, Nov. 09
Hosted Mary, Ela and Justyna, USA/Poland 3 nights Aug. 10

I have not been hosting for the last two years because of my familysituation, but I'll start again from the end of August 2012. Quite a few requests have not been read when I was inactive, but normally I try to answer everybody.
Hosted 10 people from the Peace and Love caravan in August -13.


Politics, geography, litterature, movies... almost anything but sports on TV

  • theater
  • dining
  • wine
  • red wine
  • coffee
  • potluck
  • drinking
  • politics
  • movies
  • tv
  • traveling
  • guitar
  • surfing
  • sports
  • swimming
  • geography
  • mountains

Música, películas y libros

This is a too long list to write, but in general I like to go deep instead of fast when it comes to movies and books...of course intelligent comedies are not bad either. Again, teach me something new and I'll be happy. By the way, I have quite a lot of books in English if you want to read some of them while you are here.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Helped organizing so we got a new roof on a school in Bosnia after the war.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

Some people say that I am wise, an old lapwoman staring into the bunfire...telling stories of life.. I don't know, see for yourself:-)Maybe I can teach you to listen to nature?
There are so many things I don't know, and almost everything you can teach me will be welcome.

Países que he visitado

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Países en los que he vivido

Norway, United States

Insignias antiguas

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