Joshua James's Photo

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  • 65 references 58 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish
  • 41, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • Farmer, Dream Catcher
  • College drop.
  • From Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Keep safe!


I'm growing older, which seems so simple when it rolls off your tongue. In fact it might even seem like the obvious being stated with a snide silly slur of words. But I can feel it. Can you feel it? Rock climbing has become one of my favorite things that this wild world can offer a boy like myself. I live inside of a MTN, and in that mountain lives an army of animals and loveable critters alike. Inside of the MTN lives a beautiful gal by my side (Emma), a growing and loveable little man (Ollie) an Australian shepherd dog (Tuck), a long haired chihuahua (Billie), 2 girl cats named Charly and Butterscotch (though both reside almost entirely in the garage), a beautiful boy cat named Oatey, 5 goats that go by the names of (from seniority to minority) Sister, Elle, Dottie, Loma and Shirley, 12 chickens, and two hives of honey bees. I prefer country to city, mountain to mall, face to Facebook, talk to text, and the like. I could use a thought or two.


God is the SUN, he only sees that which we do during the day.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I travel around quite a bit as a touring musical vagabond, I have Couch Surfed more times than I could count. I'd like to help cook, clean, weed, harvest, can, preserve, walk the dog or any other thing for the hospitality that is always in bloom with the kind folks on this site. If you pass through Utah make sure to contact me. I know just where the magic lies in these mountains.


There has not been a bad experience yet. Everyone I have met via CS has been an overwhelmingly kind and giving individual.


Rock climbing, biking, gardening, sheep shearing, beekeeping, hiking, YOGA, dancing with wrecklessness, philisophical discussions where everyone knows that NOONE knows, singing, screaming, fires at midnight, cooking, pseudo-veganism (I eat the eggs that my chickens leave in their boxes, drink the milk that my goats have left over, eat the excess honey that my bees store in those combs of theirs.) farming, reading, writing, traveling, MISCHIEF!

  • animals
  • cats
  • dogs
  • chickens
  • writing
  • singing
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • drinking
  • gardening
  • reading
  • traveling
  • magic
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • rock climbing
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

MUSIC: (the stirring of the inner soul. To list "genres, bands, singers, and groups" might only scratch the surface of IT ALL)

BOOKS: I sure do like 'em. Most recent "READS" were East of Eden, The Essential Urban Farmer, The Beatles (Bob Spitz), Walden, Evolution and the Whisperings Within.


One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Met and wed a beautiful blonde girl that for some reason let's me live with her, witnessed two of my goats giving birth to their first borns, slept in a dugout in wamsutter, Wyoming when a lightning storm struck and knocked the power of the whole city out, climbed to the top of mountains just to howl at the moon, I have seen people give of themselves and be kind, danced in the rain to "mule variations" on the Virginian coast, swam in the Alaskan waters in the early days of December. I have met and conversed with amazing humans.

Teach, Learn, Share

I am forever a child.
I am learning slowly,
I believe in humanity (still).
I wish I saw my parents more often.

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Romania, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States, Venezuela

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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