Фотографии пользователя Dany Nikšičová

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Хочет встретиться

  • Последний раз на сайте: почти 5 лет назад

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  • 4 отзыва 1 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English
  • 30, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2014
  • Ljubljana (erasmus)
  • Communication & Journalism student
  • Из Banská Bystrica, Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне

I am student of media studies and journalism in Brno. Currently I am doing my Erasmus in Ljubljana).

I consider myself as creative fella, I like discovering unusual places, people and opinions. I love coffee, like really, reading books, having endless conversations about random philosophical concepts. I really like sharing experience and opinions from different countries, as I believe its the best to get information from locals and it helps me to get my world insight better!

I am into non formal education, currently I am active in NGO Be International, also I volunteered in student radio in Brno for years (I was a programme director there). I am open minded and respectful) And I don´ t like smileys written like this :) so do not be scared when you will see this))).

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

Because hostels are quite nice, but not so personal. When I am travelling somewhere, I would like to get to know new people and hang out or just talk a bit, because who can describe the place better than someone who is actually living there!


I spend a lot of time reading, watching series or outside with my friends. Also I love non-formal education, activism and rap music.

Музыка, кино и книги

I am kind of music freak, you can find me on last.fm as doodlesss )))

I read mostly fantasy, but I am into poetry too. I love movies from Woody Allen and Jim Jarmusch, and also sci-fi. Nowadays I usually use Netflix, as a true millenial.

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

I am donating blood regularly. I believe that I am helping people so that's why I think it's amazing.

I participated in No Hate Speech movement, because I believe knowledge has power and it is needed to raise the awareness.

I had my music selector set at our radio party.

I created my own workshop for students about fake news and fighting them.

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

I can teach you how to cook, how to be coffee slacker 😁 I would like to learn as much as I can about different cultures. Also I can teach you Slovak language, Czech language or basic graphics :)

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

Thoughts, some czech food, happy mood and excitement!

Где я побывал(-а)

Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Slovenia

Где я жил(-а)

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia

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