Sofia Pallares Padron's Photo

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  • 73% response rate
  • Last login 2 days ago

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  • 16 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish
  • 29, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • Student
  • University
  • From Tinajo, Canary Islands, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

¡Benvenuto! 🌀

Canaria viviendo en sevilla actualmente. Soy médica haciendo la especialidad de familia y comunitaria, interesada en urgencias y emergencias. Interesada en la salud pública y la cooperación internacional. Soy una persona extremadamente curiosa, que le encanta escuchar y aprender de diferentes culturas.
Actualmente vivo en Los Palacios por trabajo (30 minutos en coche y 1 hora de bus de Sevilla capital) y no suelo tener mucho tiempo para recorrer la ciudad, pero siempre podemos compartir un buen rato en la cena o después de cenar.

Busco gente buena, agradable, limpia y agradecida, que entienda que esta aplicación no es para “ahorrar dinero” si no para compartir y dar aquello que recibes, una forma de entender el mundo. Particularmente busco, por tanto, recibir lo que doy en otras formas: un buen rato, tiempo de calidad, crecer espiritualmente… Es por esto que para mí es importante que tengas referencias de otros viajeros.

Vivo con mi novia y con un perrito (hipoalergico) y un gatito🙌

¡Benvenuto! 🌀

From canary islands living in seville. I am currently a doctor specializing in family and community, interested in urgencies and emergencies. Interested in public health and international cooperation. I am an extremely curious person, who loves to listen and learn from different cultures.

Currently I live in Los Palacios because of Work. (30 minutes by car and 1 hour by bus from Seville city center) and I don't usually have much time to tour the city, but we can always share a good time during dinner or after dinner.

I look for good, pleasant, clean, and grateful people who understand that this app is not to "save money" but to share and give what you receive, a way of understanding the world. Therefore, I particularly look to receive what I give in other forms: a good time, quality time, spiritual growth... This is why it is important to me that you have references from other travelers.

I live with my wife. The house is big and couzy. We live with Ipa (dog) and Berto (cat).

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Cuando estudiaba la carrera era la única forma que podía viajar. Actualmente, me gusta conocer gente nueva y compartir diferentes puntos de vista. Veo la vida como una comunidad, una red, que todos juntos podemos sostener. Pero sobre todo, compartir, siempre sea compartir y que del vínculo o encuentro nazca lo que se tenga que sostener, disfrutar y aprender.

When I was studying the race it was the only way I could travel. Currently, I like to meet new people and share different points of view. I see life as a community, a network, that we can all sustain together. But above all, sharing, always sharing and that from the bond or meeting what has to be sustained, enjoyed and learned is born.


  • arts
  • books
  • meditation
  • drawing
  • music
  • sports
  • medicine
  • nature
  • medicina
  • medicinal plants
  • lgtb
  • salud publica
  • salud mental
  • medicina comunitaria

Music, Movies, and Books

Me gusta todo tipo de música, pero la música de autor es mi preferida.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

He vivido 6 meses en Mozambique haciendo trabajo voluntario como médica en el Hospital Carmelo en Mozambique (Chokwe, Gaza), un hospital dedicado a los enfermos de VIH.


I have lived 6 months in Mozambique doing volunteer work as a doctor at the Carmelo Hospital in Mozambique (Chokwe, Gaza), a hospital dedicated to HIV patients.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Conocimiento, historias, libros, buena música, experiencias, buenos momentos. ¡Me encanta cocinar también!


Knowledge, stories, books, good music, experiences, good times. Knowing The city and it spanish culture. I Love cooking as well 🤍

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Netherlands, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City State, Western Sahara

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