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Зарегистрируйтесь на Couchsurfing, чтобы увидеть полный профиль пользователя AnnaPanna.
Обо мне
i'm a friendly, adventurer, enthusiastic, talkative, and open minded person.
i like to be with my doggo and friends- the best is that when you can do this two in a same time in a great place :)
i'm collecting the absurd-unbeliveable-but funny stories. really... i have a very funny life.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
i'm on couchsurfing, because i like to travel, go to new places, meet with normal, lovely and friendly people.
... and because what the hell, life is short!
- writing
- books
- concerts
- festivals
- beer
- partying
- traveling
- hiking
- adventure races
- food
- sea
- museums
- dog
- family
- cat
- freinds
Музыка, кино и книги
music: electronic, dnb, dubstep, alternative, rock, hardcore, screamo,
movies: horror, thriller, pszicho, drama, documentary... but i hate comedy films, romantic and action movies.
books: usually i read psychological and informative books.
cannot name favorites.
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
have a superb dog.
make my home homey.
own great people around me.
Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией
well.. i can share my stories- several can be instructive.
Чем я могу поделиться с хостами
my/our lifestlye, habits
Где я побывал(-а)
Austria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom
Где я жил(-а)