Dani Coutiño's Photo

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  • 4 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Arabic, Hebrew (modern)
  • 28, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • Student
  • No education listed
  • From Cazones de Herrera, Veracruz, Mexico
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hello hello! As you may read, my name is Dani, I'm mexican and I have been studying in Germany for a pair of years now (2018).

I think the best way to introduce you to me is telling you what makes me the happiest. I will just sum this up, as the things that I love.

Instead of saying I love travelling, like I guess almost everyone on Couchsurfing has written in their profiles, I'd prefer to share what I exactly love about it. Because it is not the travelling itself but these little things that I sometimes get to enjoy on my daily life.

I love change and diversity, everything new and different is very welcome, even it's not that good but just the fact of seeing or trying out something new will probably make me happy.

This leads of course to my love for meeting new unique people. Don't get me wrong, I of course really like meeting cool regular people, but I just love meeting people who will tell you something you just never heard before. Thanks to travelling I've got meet a lot of other travellers, so listening about how cool it was to backpack South America might not be anymore as interesting as a story of someone who after studying medicine decided to leave it all and become a cook, or someone who considers one of he's great life achivements learning to write with his left hand. It doesn't have to be huge, it just needs to be just yours.

I LOVE learning. Everything! I used to believe I love learning languages but i just love learning anything. Games, recipes, tricks. But languages do have a special place in my heart, because they aloud me to communicate with people from usually totally different backgrounds and to learn even more.

I love spontaneity.

And, not necessarily related to travelling but also important in the "about me" section, I love my bestfriends and my family.

ABOUT MY STUDIES: I'm changing my course of study to medicine. It's not exactly that I see myself as a doctor but I'm deeply interested in the influence of or psychology on our bodies, and more precisely on the importance of happiness on our health and on our society. So well, why not medicine...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

WHILE SURFING: To be able to hang with the locals when I'm travelling solo!

WHILE HOSTING: *I haven't yet hosted because my rooms in Germany have been quite small, but I'm hoping to star hosting this year (2018)* To bring more diversity into my life in Germany, to help some low budget travellers, to learn/practice languages and hopefully to meet some cool people!


Read "about me" ;)

  • chocolate
  • wine
  • traveling
  • languages
  • people
  • tequila
  • neuropsychology
  • hapiness
  • helping others

Music, Movies, and Books

I like almost everything but I usually listen to latino pop rock, punk rock and to party reggaeton haha.

I don't really watch movies.

I like reading books that teach my something, and mostly when they teach me something about me. I think the best book ever is "The Knight in Rusty Armor".

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Living in Playa del Carmen! You need to live it to understand it.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I hope great company!

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, England, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Germany, Mexico, Poland, United States

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