Le foto di Jean de La Fortelle

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  • Ultimo accesso oltre 5 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 0 referenze
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, French, German; lingua che sta imparando Chinese (Simplified)
  • 29, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2016
  • Student
  • Nessun titolo di studio indicato
  • Di France
  • Profilo completo al 90%

Chi sono

Such a difficult question hey! What is me ? (--> Just see the video "What are you", by Kurzgesagt on Youtube)

Once upon a time, ... Ok, it's not a good start too.

I think that the first think that describes me is the music. I'm a real fan of almost every kind of music (depends on the bands) : I started with a Rolling Stones education when I was young (just the music, not the drugs), and then I discovered blues, jazz, funk, rap, etc. Now I listen everything (even metal and classic music, the last missing pieces of my collection ^^). But Jazz is for me the most emotional music I discovered, so probably my favourite. And I play the guitar and the drums (and love jam sessions, so if your musician too, be tuned!).

I grew up with 3 big sisters ("oooooooohhhhh, so cuuuuuuuute, the little boyyyyyy!", yeah I was pampered, but it's not so funny as it sounds), then I know how to share a common place with girls. My sisters are really cool and I learnt a lot in this numerous family about life in community!

I love windsurfing too, I'm even sail teacher during summer holidays. Probably the best summer job you could find : being on the beach, doing your favourite sport the whole day (but that also means being the person in charge of chlidrens and a lot of anticipation).

Otherwise, I love to debate about alsmost everything and it's hard to hurt me (so no stress about anything :P). I love eating (okay, no story I'm French, but two of my sisters are passionated in gastronomy, including one who's cook now, so I had no choice to love food). I can cook too! Partying is also current in my life, just spending a good time with friends around a good (or cheap) bottle and then dancing (PAAAADEEYAAAAA, DANCING IN SEPTEMBER (rip Earth, Wind & Fire)).

I still have no couchsurfing experience, but I lived 6 months in Germany (Hamburg) when I was 16, with a female pen-friend, and that was really nice, we still have contact and we see each other every year!

And what abouuuuuuuut... YOU ?

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

The same as everybody I guess, don't want to spend my time in hostels, meeting nobody from the countries I'll visit and just buy a tee-shirt at H&M that I could have had in France.

Just want to have great experiences, discovering the real facets of the countries, the daily life of its inhabitants, students, etc. And learn much more things than a guide or a touristic book would do :). Maybe having new friends if it really matches !

Unfortunately I can't host because of my flat, which is very small, uncomfortable and far from the city center and any interresting place in Nantes :'(. But I hope I'll do it in my next flat!


  • theater
  • cooking
  • organic food
  • walking
  • partying
  • board games
  • music
  • live music
  • sports
  • dance
  • chilling
  • museums
  • debating

Musica, film e libri

Jazz : all classics (Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, George Benson, Benny Goodman, Herbie Hancock, etc.) but also new ones (Avishai Cohen, Ibrahim Maalouf (just listen to it if you don't know), Shai Maestro, Justin Herwitz, etc.)
Otherwise, any kind of music as I said, so the list could be very long ^^

Book : I don't read so much, i'm still a kid who finds it too long, but I loved The Catcher in The Rye, JD Salinger!

Movie : LA LA LAND ! I just don't know what to say about it. I have to prevent me from listening its Original Soundtrack because I fear to be bored after listening only that.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I'm a writing a musical with friends and it's just crazy to imagine each roles, the story, costumes, musics, etc. We are still writing and it will occur in November, so I can't really say that we've done it :). I just can't tell the story here, because it still has to be secret, but if we meet I'll tell you some words about it!

Insegna, impara, condividi

Everything is interesting provided that you're interested in it!

I can teach some basics in guitar and drums, and windsurf. I also have some anecdotes about the history of differents bands of the twentieth century.
I can teach you how to cook "crêpes" :).

I hope you can teach me something too!

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

First, enthusiasm!

Paesi che ho visitato

Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United States

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

France, Germany

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