David Peña's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • 50% response rate
  • Last login about 2 months ago

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  • 11 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Spanish; learning English
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • CEO / Marketing Agency
  • Licenciado en Mercadotecnia
  • From Mexico
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Soy emprendedor, confiable, aventurero y divertido, me encanta ser anfitrión, tratar y ser tratado con amabilidad, me encanta conocer nuevas personas, costumbres e ideologías.

I am enterprising, reliable, adventurous and fun, I love to be host, to treat and be treated with kindness, I love meeting new people, customs and ideologies.

Filosofía / Philosophy

Haz de cada instante de la vida una nueva oportunidad para ser feliz... vive, vuela, hazlo posible!

Make every moment of life a new opportunity to be happy ... live, fly, make it possible!

Facebook & Instagram | @edaao

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Para intentar apoyar y conocer nuevas culturas y buenas personas, aventureras, tal como yo... recibir y ofrecer alojamiento sin costo a los viajeros para contribuir en la disminución de sus gastos, para que así aprovechen al máximo su estancia.

To try to support and to know new cultures and good people, adventurers, like me ... receive and offer lodging without cost to the travelers to contribute in the reduction of their expenses, so that they make the most of their stay.


Conocer y ayudar a gente interesante, honesta y de excelentes sentimientos, que les guste la aventura y conocer nuevos lugares y culturas!

Meet and help interesting people, honest and excellent feelings, who like adventure and meet new places and cultures!

  • culture
  • music
  • friends
  • people
  • meeting new people

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Apoyo a los emprendedores a generar ideas y nuevos negocios, para impulsar la economía y sean generadores de empleos!

Support to entrepreneurs to generate ideas and new businesses, to boost the economy and to be generators of jobs!

Teach, Learn, Share

Lugares turísticos dentro se mi zona, lugares buenos y economicos para comer y lugares para pasar momentos agradables

Tourist places within my area, good and cheap places to eat and places to spend pleasant moments

What I Can Share with Hosts

Ayudar con la limpieza de las áreas comunes y las áreas designadas para mi, invitar la comida, invitar bebidas o preparar comida si lo deseas, puedo hacer comida típica de mi país si encontramos los ingredientes.

Puedes tener la confianza de pedirme lo que necesites!

To help with the cleaning of the common areas and areas designated for me, to invite the food, to invite drinks or prepare food if you wish, I can make typical food of my country if we find the ingredients.

You can have the confidence to ask me what you need!

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Colombia, France, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Puerto Rico, United States

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