Fotos de Damián Randazzo

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  • 2 recomendaciones 1 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Spanish
  • 37, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2017
  • Commissioning Specialist
  • Technician
  • De Argentina
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I'm just a single SpAnglish speaker, taking a Gap year, after quitting a nice job as a power plant commissioning technician. I've spent the last year getting my feet back on the ground, after traveling a lot (most for work than fun).
The B side of that traveling was I always found some space to travel from the places I was working, and that made me meet some random people, with different experiences, cultures and points of view, with who I could share a beer and have this fresh new chat as if we were blank books...
Told you about my SpAnglish, but if there's people who can read Egyptian scripture, there must be someone who can get this...

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

'cause I've met some really nice people by traveling, and I think this is a good path to get back to that kind of experience more often...


Science, philosophy, technology, hanging out.

  • hangout

Música, películas y libros

Music: Amy, Ceratti, Sabina, Dua Lipa, Las pastillas, Divididos, Jarabe de palo, youngr, ACDC, rolling stones... But in the right context I switch to cuarteto, reggaeton, salsa or whatever that unlock the "forbidden dance steps..."
Books: every time I found the meaning of life they change it, A universe from nothing, A short history of yearly everything, Sapiens...
Cine: Back to the future, mission impossible, inglorious basterds, Braveheart, American made...

Algo increíble que he hecho

I flew back, still drunk, from a vacation in Miami to Puerto Rico to save the day after an excavator blowed submarine power supply wires and blacked out the whole country.

I drifted a bit with a rental car on ice inside the Sequoia national park. Dived in Cozumel, Sky dived, lonely road trip in USA, quiting a "dream" job, hanged out with strangers

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I'm really good fixing stuff, so you can learn or get some benefit from this gifted random guy...
I'm a very curious person, trying to understand at it most elemental level how everything works, because it became too hard for me to pass through life not asking even why the sky looks transparent at night, but orange when sunrise and blue through the day. I like to see this days human behaviors through the lens of evolutionary perspective, because seems as if there were many answers there that psychology could not address properly... And I'm kind of into economics and financial too, because in Argentina you become a sort of expert in that subject just for trying to survive the storm. So, even when we are now able to dive into the entire knowledge of mankind history through a small device in our pockets, as I already dived some of those waters and I love to share in simple words anything I already learned from somewhere, I'd love to share.
Otherwise I'm a 37 year old guy, if you get so far and don't have anything weird, cool of fun to share, you could probably be a plant...

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones


Países que he visitado

Bahamas, Colombia, France, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, United States

Países en los que he vivido

Argentina, United States

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