Photos de Laura JK Pesonen

Profil non vérifié

  • Membre non vérifié par paiement
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Souhaite faire des rencontres

  • Dernière connexion il y a presque 4 ans

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  • 0 avis
  • Parle couramment  English, Estonian, Finnish
  • 26, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2019
  • Student
  • B.S., Public Relations
  • de Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia
  • Profil renseigné à 55 %

À propos de moi

I am 21 years old and I live in Tallinn, Estonia. I am a third year Bachelors student, studying Public Relations in Tallinn University and work between the school year in USA - selling books with Southwestern Advantage!
I am really open minded and love to travel, my favorite hobbies include music, singing and water sports like SCUBA diving and winter swimming.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

It is a great way to connect with local people in the places I travel to in the world to make new friends and share the culture. In the summer I travel to different states to work selling books with Southwestern Advantage, and we are living with local host families to get the most out of the experience - couchsurfing might be a good place to connect with potential host families.

Centres d'intérêt

  • reading
  • travelling
  • diving
  • sales

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I like all kinds of music - especially the one I can sing along to :)

Favorite books:
''Can't Hurt Me'' by David Goggins - teaches alot about mental toughness
''With Winning in Mind'' Lanny Bassham

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Ran a half marathon with 100 other friends and went SCUBA diving with sharks in Thailand!
But I guess the most amazing and unique thing is that during my university years I joined Southwestern Advantage program as a door to door salesperson and student leader, selling educational books door to door in the USA - I have done two successful summers already and going for my third in 2019. This is the most challenging, fun and best growing experience I have had.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I will bring a great attitude, share Estonian culture and bring European sweets and snacks :) I love to make people laugh and I am very tidy.

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Estonia, United States

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