Le foto di Laura Alejandra Moreno

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Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Laura Alejandra.

Informazioni generali

  • 4 referenze 2 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando Italian, Portuguese
  • 28, Donna
  • Membro dal 2019
  • Industrial engineer | Business administrator
  • Bachelor
  • Di Colombia
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

Hey there, I am Laura and I love to travel by my own, but also meet cool people.

I am from Colombia, and I had the chance to live one year in Slovenia 🚀

I have a remote job that allows me to travel 🧳but it makes me an slower traveler too.

I am traveling through Italy.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I just want to help people, make friends and share quality time.


  • dancing
  • beer
  • meditation
  • reading
  • traveling
  • food
  • nature
  • inline skating
  • good conversation
  • ukelele
  • helping others

Musica, film e libri

I love to dance, ride my bike and also swim.

Also, in my free time I try to practice meditation.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I was supposed to go for an exchange of 6 months to Slovenia, but in 2020 I got trapped there and extended the period for 1 year.

Insegna, impara, condividi

I teach first aids as a hobby.

I would like to learn Portuguese, and Italian.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

A good couch to stay, great conversation and I'm going to try to make you feel as home

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Uruguay, Vatican City State

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Colombia, Mexico, Slovenia

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Laura Alejandra.