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Зарегистрируйтесь на Couchsurfing, чтобы увидеть полный профиль пользователя Erin and Andrew.
Обо мне
To live intentionally and passionatly
We are a married couple from Canada. With suburbia looming over us and many friends buying dogs and 'settling down' we quickly decided to make a run for it and have found ourselves across the pond in London. Our main goal while we're over hear is to travel, travel, travel unfortunately our jobs sometimes get in the way of that (fortunately they also help to finance it). We're a pretty laid back pair we love watching movies, exploring new places on foot and by bike(always stopping for adequate food and beer breaks though)and cooking. Andrew is really in to music and design and Erin is an avid reader and knitter(obviously Erin is the cooler one of this pair). To be honest we've discovered that we're a bit lonely so far from home so we'd absolutely love to meet new people, maybe one of them will be you!
If everybody lived their lives the way you did, what would the world look like?
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
We've been pretty full on into CS for a while now and absolutely loving it. CS has resulted in some of our most fun and memorable travel experiences, as well as some excellent London experiences! Definitely the stuff we write home about. That being said, we live in London and a lot of you want to visit here, which is SWEET! However, we're pretty busy these days so if it seems like you haven't read our profile we probably won't be able to host you and we may not reply to every message either. We feel super guilty about this but we're more up for hosting people who are "Our friends we haven't met yet" rather than just people looking for a bed in London. Don't take this the wrong way it just means that if we don't have time to make friends, we won't be hosting and if you don't seem like you might want to be our friend we won't be hosting. Couch surfing is a way cooler experience if both parties can fully engage and be very present with each other so if you don't appreciate our honesty that's cool there are lots of other Londoners waiting for your request!
We've surfed in Edinborough and Wales and hoping to do some more soon and we've had many a sleepover in our tiny flat with travellers from USA, France, Germany, Switzerland and Wales. Everyone has brought joy to our lives and helped to reafirm our faith in people, in a city where people frequently scream at eachother on the street this is AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!
Knit one, purl one. Reading. Educational philosophy. Walking. Biking. Swimming. Photography. Andrew. Travel.
Architecture and Design. Music. Photography. Erin. Travel.
- dogs
- architecture
- design
- photography
- dining
- cooking
- beer
- running
- walking
- partying
- movies
- reading
- traveling
- knitting
- music
- cycling
- surfing
- swimming
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
Most recently, lions eating a fresh kill of wIldebeast in the Serengeti at sunrise, and the sunsets there weren't too shabby either!
Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией
Well, Andrew can definitely teach you about design and architecture and London is certainly not a shabby classroom. Erin can teach you the ABC's, 123's and perhaps how to knit. As for learning, bring it on!
Где я побывал(-а)
Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States
Где я жил(-а)
Canada, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Значки старожила
5 Поручитьсяs -
Значок "Первопроходец"