Le foto di Ira Waytoodifficultforutopronounceit

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Informazioni generali

  • 22 referenze 12 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, French, Greek (modern); lingua che sta imparando Italian, Spanish
  • 36, Donna
  • Membro dal 2008
  • love
  • curiosity
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono




:) i am completely amazed by the fact that we exist. i want to do the most possible things with this life. i believe this world can be more beautiful. i have had the luck to have met people and forms of inspiration that have changed and changed and rechanged my mind and the way i live. i believe in inspiration, i believe it can change the lives of people and the way they influence the whole world. so through interaction and adventure i try to discover, and through forms of inspiration (discussion, texts, movies, public art, music and theater) i want to spread the ideas that i believe in with passion, to as many people as i can. i still have so so so so so many things to learn! so many personal challenges to go through. but i m tired of postponing and of perfection. so i get on the road with thankfulness, and then things usualy come ^


move a bit the center round which my way of perceiving things turns a bit more far away than myself, a bit closer to the rest of the Universe.
i believe there are no truly "bad" things, only chances for us to become something more, to overcome a challenge.
i want to have the freedom to be able to let all my personal dream of perceiving things be devastated in front of a fresh, new idea, if it seems more beautiful than mine.
i want to break through my barriers every day like a fighting tiger through its cage! (i very rarely succeed, but when it happens its magic).
i see plants and animals as our teachers and protectors.
i am intrigued by the idea that everything happens for a reason.
we know nothing.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


with pleasure




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without wanting to diminish the otherones, there are some that haunt me more: the cosmos, the brain, the microcosms of microcosms inside microcosms, the macrocosms that we don't perceive yet, the evolution, the sea, the whales, the stones, the birds, the rocks, the trees, etymology, the colours. the stories. the sounds.
the human limits, and how they are overcomed.

  • animals
  • birds
  • arts
  • theater
  • movies
  • music
  • sailing
  • etymology
  • mountains
  • water

Musica, film e libri


Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Hitchiked from paris to marocco, and around marocco on my own with 6 euros in my pocket (which i used to buy 2 sliced breads, a bottle of olive oil and a little sweet when i was in malaga). Its not exactly that I did this amazing thing. It all happened in a very weird, improbable and beautiful way.
I like very much hitchiking on my own in general, but this time had an extra undiscribable thing. Besides all the odd coincidenses and synchronizations, the strength of the desert and all the beauties, the amazing thing was every single person that i met on my route. They faced me with the love, respect and endless generosity of an old friend. People who had nothing but gave me everything, people living in stables who made me feel like a princess in a palace, people who didnt have enough water to drink but gave it to me.
This trip regave me an immense faith and hope in human beings, and this was a total rebirth for me. I felt an enormous strength.

Insegna, impara, condividi

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everything i know and have, everything you know and have. i bet its a treasure!

Teach little bit of: theater, singing, basic medical stuff, scout things, swimming/snorkelling, chess, sculpture, painting, astronomy, knitting, jewellery making, greek language&food, mythology, biology, very very basic traditional seeds preservation and alternative ways to cultivate them!

Learn loads of: everything!! Alternative education, alternative medicine, ethnosociological history & anthropology, diving, climbing, skydiving, musical instruments, acrobatics, mathematics, filmmaking, photography, computer stuff, kung fu, dance, geology, argggh! Really everything seems very interesting...!

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

my imagination. it can open the way for anything else.

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 3 Garantiscis

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