Beth ODonnell's Photo

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  • Last login almost 15 years ago

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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 39, Female
  • Member since 2008
  • Case Manager
  • Some Grad School
  • From Mahopac NY
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Carpe Diem....The World is My Oyster


Well who am I. I am now living in Philly about to begin a teaching career through the Philadelphia Teaching Fellows. I will be teaching HS math to 11th graders (AHHH). I love Philly. I moved here two months ago. I graduated Scranton in 07. Did a year of voluteer work with Jesuit Voiunteer Corps in Los Angeles. Came back to NY and counted down the days until I moved out of my parents house. So yeah Philly. I live with my housemate from LA (AWESOME). I love hanging out. Going hiking, museming, and anything fun and adventurous. I'm the baby of four. An Aunt of 1 A cousing to many. And a friend to all. haha


To better myself and the world. Live each day as if it's your last. I sometimes have trouble going home after work to sit and watch TV. I feel the need to go out and do something everyday. Love, Love, and Love some more. Everyone is good they may just make bad decisions or be in a bad place.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I live in Philly on South St. CRAZY AWESOME. I call it the Venice Beach of Philadelphia w/o the beach. The people watching is unlike anyplace!!! So I live in an apartment above a denim store. I have two housemates and not sure how willing they will be to host but I can always talk to them if necessary.


Everything, from sitting on a couch and hanging out to taking hikes and walks. I like anything kids like, going on swings, sledding in the winter, I'm really just a kid at heart. I like to listen to music, I love driving. I drove cross country and since have found myself driving to random places with no purpose.

  • tv
  • music
  • hiking
  • mathematics
  • volunteering
  • beaches

Music, Movies, and Books

The Fountainhead, Perks of being a Wallflower, Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, Naked Lunch, Harry Potter's,

Comedies: Old, new, and stupidly funny movies. My favorite movies are It's a Wonderful Life, Little Miss Sunshine, Donnie Darko...

Music: really anything. I listen to the radio a lot, classic rock stations. And I love getting mixes from friends, that where a lot of my favorite music comes from.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was part of Jesuit Volunteer Corps SW in Los Angeles CA. I worked at a drop-in center for homeless youth in Hollywood (My Friend's Place). The youth were amazing. Every minute of everyday I was impressed, impacted and fell in love with all of them. There were some squating on the streets who had a better outlook on life than I could have ever imagined. They taught me so much about life, about values, about myself.

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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