Lima is often used as a stopover for travelers on their way to Cusco or Machu Picchu, but the Peruvian capital has so much to offer anyone willing to spend some time here. Start out in Plaza de Armas, the historical center of the city that’s home to the Lima Cathedral, several palaces, and a beautiful water fountain that dates back to the 17th century. Stop in one of the delicious restaurants in the center to sample some ceviche, a local favorite made of raw fish cured in lemon or lime, served with white corn, red onions, and sweet potato. In a word: fresh.

Head over to Larcomar, an awesome shopping center in Miraflores that is perched on a scenic cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. While you’re in Miraflores, seek out Perufly for an adrenaline rush: paragliding on the Pacific Coast. If you’re looking for something a little more low-key, make your way to Huaca Pucllana, an archaeological site featuring a staggered pyramid that was once a ceremonial center where human sacrifices took place.


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