Santiago is often used as a transit city for travelers on their way to Patagonia or Puerto Varas, but the Chilean capital has so much to see that it would be a shame not to spend a few days here. Santiago is surrounded by mountains, and many of the best things to see here can be found at higher elevations. Take the funicular to the top of Cerro San Cristobal for a great view of the city, or hike up the Cerro Santa Lucia in the city center to explore the gardens and monuments at the top.

Wander the historic center of Santiago in Plaza de Armas, home to the Metropolitan Cathedral, Central Post Office, and National History Museum. Take the time to select a great place to eat and try a completo, a Chilean specialty that’s essentially a hot dog topped with all kinds of inventive flavours like avocado, tomato, mayonnaise, or Chilean chili. Wash it down with a terremoto, a combination of pineapple ice cream and sweet fermented wine.


3 membres disponibles pour une rencontre immédiate

Photo de I
Isnardo souhaite cenar comer pasear Il y a environ 3 heures
Photo de A
Ayşe souhaite explore the area Il y a environ 3 heures
Photo de D
Daniel souhaite explorar la zona Il y a environ une heure


  • sam, juil. 12 à 9 h 00 AM -04
  • Photos de Francisco Correa Photos de Óscar Granado Photos de Carla Knipp


  • ven, mars 21 à 9 h 30 PM -03
  • Photos de Nela jg


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