Seville is a city full of personality that looks like no other city in the world, with a unique blend of Roman ruins, Moorish palaces, and modern architecture. The city is drenched in sunlight for most of the year, making for happy locals who are always out looking for a good time. Visitors might start at Plaza de España, a huge half-circle complex with beautiful buildings continually running around the edge. There are many tiled alcoves to be found in the walls of the Plaza, each representing a different province of Spain. Also visit the Alcazar, developed by Moorish Muslim kings and considered one of the most beautiful palaces in all of Spain.
Stop by the Metropol Parasol for a taste of Seville’s modern flair, one of the largest wooden structures in the world and a recognizable symbol of the city. Get a taste of Seville by stopping in a restaurant for some of the best seafood you’ll find and a bowl of gazpacho, a refreshing vegetable soup served cold, one of Andalusia’s specialties.
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