Amsterdam is a city with so many personalities, it’s hard to describe. The Netherlands’ capital is home to some of the world’s best art, one of the world’s best party scenes, and more bicycles than actual people. The entire city is built on a network of serene canals, and visitors can enjoy the simplicity of renting a bike to follow these canals through so many unique neighborhoods. Pedal to the Van Gogh Museum to see the works of Amsterdam’s tortured visionary, and then to the Rijksmuseum to view a stunning collection of works by Rembrandt and other Dutch artists.

Amsterdam is notorious for its liberal attitude and legendary nightlife. Walk through the famous De Wallen red-light district, the most liberal area in all of Europe, home to legal prostitution, sex shops, peep shows, and a cannabis museum. This area isn’t for the modest, but it’s an experience you’ll never forget.

Reisende auf dem Weg hierhin


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